
My mother's television in her room tends to get loud. She loves turning up the sound when music programs come on. I would love to get her some headphones.
Any one have experience with wireless headphones, or any other suggestions?
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Oh yes! My father has been in med rehab several times and we've taken his TV and his headphones with him. We just had to make certain the wires were extra long. The good ones are just under $50 at WalMart, but it's worth it for the others in the center, as it doesn't interfere with others conversations and they are happy as can be :)
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BTW, check the connection on the back of the TV to see if you need one that plugs in or wireless.
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I got some cheap wireless ones for a friend of mine in the nursing home but the nursing home lost them. I think if you get something large, they won't lose them. She had a severe hearing problem and didn't like hearing aids but she liked to watch TV. The nursing home turned the TV down real low so that no one could hear it and she would just stare at the images all of the time. She didn't have an attachment on her TV for hooking up headphones to or I would have got her that kind and the nursing home didn't want to use her money to get her a new TV or headphones. She's deceased now but she was a very sweet lady.
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My husband is deaf in one ear and has poor hearing in the other. It used to be I couldn't stand to be in the room with him while he was watching TV. The sound was just too loud!. I found an ad in a local magazine for "TV Ears".. wireless headphones with a little box that attaches to the tv set. The best investment I've ever made. He can watch TV with the sound turned way, way down so I can sleep in the other room, or with the sound turned to a normal volume so I can watch with him. He broke the earpiece to his first set a week ago and promptly dashed out and bought another.. he gets so much enjoyment out of them.
Not sure what brand is best, but I am sure the good ones can be found at a hearing aide center. Ours cost somewhere between $75 and $100 and were well worth it.
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Thank you all for your answers, very helpful!
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