
He is 81 and I take care of him and my mom who is also handicapped. Dad has Alzheimers Stage 7 and ma is in a wheelchair. I am their only caregiver, and have never asked for money, but I have no money, or I have to ask my friend for money for gas... I have a brother and a twin sister that don't even come around, they are useless. I was just wondering if the VA would pay for me taking care of dad 24 hours a day. Thanks..............

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Check into the VA site online and look for "Aid and Attendance". You can apply for that and you might qualify for help. Also - if you have a VA advocate in your area, call and make an appointment to speak with him/her. They are extremely helpful and nice. If you are in doubt as how to locate an advocate, just call you County Courthouse and they should be able to help you find the telephone number and name. Good Luck to you.
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Yes they do pay indirectly to the veteran if he meets the income requirements.. If he has $80,000 or less in savings, owns house, car and by the time he pays his bills his income is zero at end of month, then YES the VA does pay. They pay the money to your dad and he pays you.
If his income does not go to zero at end of month, but it would if he paid for help, then have him pay you and the VA will pay. It is called VA aid and Attendance and they will pay some for his wife, if she needs help. The only site to go to is
I and many people have successfully followed the instruction, filled out forms and the veteran is now receiving VA Aid and attendance. There are many scammers out there that will say they know how to do it but they do not.
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Yes they certainly should pay it. The way they look at it is if "the care costs more than his income." So, if you have a caregivers contract and a note from the Dr says they need 3 or more things he cannot do himself, the Aide and Attendence will pay. Tons of paperwork, I would recommend you call someone, not the VA, they mislead me and almost got me into a lot of trouble!
I used Elder Resource Benefits Consulting , its free and they get it done with a return in 3 months. I didnt find them until I had already waited 17 months. Its all done over the phone and email so doesnt really matter where you live I would think. Good Luck, they will tell you how to do it and if you can.
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AID AND ATTENDANCE is paid to the vet or his spouse only, they pay the caregiver. MOST of the time it is a family member,because if you add up the hours it takes to care for the vet sometimes it comes out to just over a dollar an hour. that is the reason they give the money to the vet, it is much cheaper plus many family members want to do it so the vet and spouse have a better quality of life, they can stay at home longer.
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I don't think so. My husband is a Vietnam Vet and I do not work because I stay home to take care of him. I was told that caretakers for the more current veterans (Desert Storm, Afghanistan, etc) are paid, it is in the works for the older vets but not yet. Get in touch with your local VA hospital, ask for Caregiver Services. They can let you know for sure.
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the reason I said to go to
is because our local VA rep did not know about VA Aid and Attendance. That is correct he did not know. The State Va Reps are not Federal Va Reps and they are not trained as well. Trust me I know.
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You need to contact your senator ASAP!!!
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Happymaine is right, I forgot I did that also and it got the ball rolling fast. When you apply its rectroactive pay once accepted so you/your Dad, will get a large check all at once. I would call the place I listed also. You can go by the guidelines for your area and what they get paid. Around here they get $15-$25 an hour , my contract said hours a day $15 an hour which put moms debt way over her income. If you are in charge you should have it deposted into his account and you can watch and record what its spent on monthly.
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Check into the Cash and Counseling program for your state. If your dad (and/or mom) is eligible for Medicaid you can set up a budget for them and pay a family member out of it for personal cares. Cash & Counseling gives people with disabilities, including older adults, the option to manage a flexible budget and decide what mix of goods and services best meet their personal care needs. Participants may use their budget to hire personal care workers, purchase items and make home modifications that help them live independently. Those participants who don't feel confident making decisions on their own may appoint a representative to make decisions with or for them. Be aware if you apply for Medicaid you need to apply first to the VA. You don't have to be approved to get Medicaid, just be able to show that you applied. According to the Cash and Counseling website, the program was created because, "family caregivers are the backbone of the long-term care system, providing millions of hours of care every year for no compensation and frequently at great cost to their own emotional health. They're burned out and exhausted from juggling work, family responsibilities, and caregiving. In addition, many caregivers have to reduce their work hours or even give up their jobs to take care of their loved ones. By supporting caregivers, we're helping them hang in longer, and, hopefully, relieving some of their stress. Keep in mind, that even with Cash and Counseling support, family caregivers are typically paid lower-than-average wages and, in most cases, are paid for only a small fraction of the hours of service they provide."

To apply for the program, elders apply through Medicaid. They are assessed the same way they would be for traditional agency-provided services. If they choose the Cash and Counseling option, they work with the program's staff to develop an individual budget and care plan.

To learn more about the Cash and Counseling program, visit the website at
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There are so, so, many misconceptions and misunderstandings, many of which are apparent in this thread. The VA Cannot give u financial Advice, and $80,000 for a 81 year old is likely not a favorable asset number
A son or daughter if providing should have a Care agreement drawn up, and the care should be supervised by a nurse or doctor, at least by minimum: phone every several months
Sad to say most 'lawmakers' don't understand the mechanics of the pension, so going to them right away is often not a good choice.
There is more than the 'application' itself, and a thorough doctors statement is imperative, if you are missing a form, it will take 6 months just to exchange info with the VA towards resolving that.
The spouse cannot provide paid care (as all income and assets of the couple are regarded as the veterans, meaning the cost of care could not be paid to the spouse to count as a deductible medical expense) The house while technically is non countable; quickly does become an 'asset' if sold, while the veteran lives and without proper planning could result in a payback or disqualification.
While at it considerations towards the Medicaid 5-year look back &Medicaid Exempt Funeral Trust planning must (should) be reckoned ,& ideally several years before!. I'm in GA, and if close by may have MORE IN PERSON SUGGESTIONS.
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