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If her name is on the deed, I guess it'll be counted as an asset. ... Hey experts!!! A little help here?
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All her property is an asset! She pays taxes on it, they'll know about it...
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Hello Buddyboy and hello Eddie, I tend to agree with the comment by assandache7: an asset is an asset is an asset no matter the location... when location can mean possibly many states or even countries in these days. In your Mom's situation the choice (and location) of the assisted living facility may have been made the same way many families faced with this situation make the decision: which of Mom's children (has the time and the freedom) was likely to be Mom's most frequent visitor? You Buddyboy in MI are Mom's lucky one.

Eddie, as a relatively new reader of this site, I wonder, are there in fact experts that do check in, occasionally helping out this community of caregivers? Though we are referred to as the "real" experts (please see under "Join the Discussion" to the right) though we may have no choice but to become the "hands-on" experts in our own individual situations, there are tons of other legitimate areas where certainly we could use the knowledge and experience of those who have either gone before us (in caring for elderly parents) or of those whose formal education provides them the expertise to address the issues of caring for an aging population. I for one welcome and appreciate all of those who post here and I've realized I learn even from the questions I read here.
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