
He's been asking over and over. Due to his depression, he feels that if he stays around just long enough for the insurance to kick in, he'll be "outa here". I'm concerned because before he had a stroke he had been paying insurance premiums to the same company for over 15 years and his "guardian" didn't continue the payments when he had his stroke or if she has, he has no idea because they aren't speaking to him. Don't you just love all your family?! I do but it is frustrating.

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How about getting him to the doctor to get meds for his anxiety and depression?

How about sending a certified letter to his guardian asking if the payments have continued? Or calling up the insurance company?

Is this person actually his guardian? There are legal requirements for reporting.
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To answer the question, as a stroke survivor it will be difficult to get any new life insurance that is not expensive or has a low payout and limited benefits for two to five years. Insurance companies wouldn't make money if sick or dying people could easily buy policies and die before they paid a lot in premiums. Babalou's suggestion of contacting the life insurance company directly is a great one.
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Thank you for your guidance everyone. I'm really glad I found this site. Thanks again folks.
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