
Father has cancer, mental illness, and is abusive. Any support groups for myself being the caregiver to my mother and father?

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I don’t think you will be able to participate in caregiver groups during this virus outbreak.

Do a search for virtual support groups. Maybe there are some.

Take care. So sorry that you are struggling with this. Hugs! 💗
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Hylo33 Apr 2020
Wow, thankx for the empathy. Very emotionally intelligent of you. Be well.
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I don't know of any.  NeedHelpWithMom has a good idea.

Also .. Post any questions and things you need support with here on this site in the Questions Forum if you like.  All here will try to help you in any way possible. 

Take care.   lil
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This site is the best for support when caring for others.

Alzheimer's assn has 24/7 telephone support, cancer websites must have something similar.
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This forum is a support group for caregivers. Lots of personalities and opinions, but lots of care for one another.

Is there any one helping you care for your parents at all? Have you told your dads doctors that he is being abusive? Maybe he needs anger management and some counseling to deal with his diagnosis instead of using you as his scratching post.

Welcome to the forum, feel free to speak your mind.
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I think in person support groups are going to be impossible to find right now.

Some online resources are Gilda's club (cancer); NAMI (mental illness).

If your father's abuse puts you or your mom in danger, call 911. He might need inpatient psychiatric treatment to get on the right level of meds.

Even if he ends up not getting transported or admitted, it's a good way of creating a paper trail of documentation of his actions.

Adult Protective Services is another resource to consider. Will your mother say that your dad is abusive, or will she cover up for him?

Is he "merely" verbally abusive or does he threaten you both physically? Is it at all possible that his actions are caused by the spread of the cancer to his brain?
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