
She is strong enough to come home.

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If you take her home without a doctor's approval, against medical advice (AMA) you will have trouble getting her insurance to pay the bill. They may not pay any part of it.
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Glad is right. Rehab/hospital care is very expensive. That’s why we have insurance.

In whose opinion is she strong enough to come home? Your’s or her’s? Maybe she’s doing well because she’s there and might decline if you brought her home.
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30 days
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Medicare pays 100% the first 20 days. The 21st to 100, 50%. Supplimental will pick up some. After 20 days the patients cost is about $150 a day.

Why is Mom in rehab? If its just to get her strong from a stay in the hospital, I have been told for every day in a hospital it takes 3 days of therapy. They can't make Mom stay if she doesn't want to. If this is the case, then tell the head nurse this and ask that she be discharged with the balance of her therapy at home.

I told rehab when Mom went the last time, that there was no money for anything past the 20days. So they needed to do what they had to within that time. She was discharged in 18 days. I wish I had opted for therapy to come into her favility. I really think rehab was a joke. They will bilk Medicare for as long as they can.

Rehab is a choice. No, they don't tell you that. Its "We are transferring your Mom to rehab. You can pick from these facilities" What would have been his last rehab stay, my Dad refused. Said he had enough of rehabs and was going home. I had a friend who was no stranger to rehabs. When she had a leg removed she refused rehab. Not a good decision on her part because of the pain she was in. But she had a right to refuse.

You can't just walk Mom out but also is not a prisoner.
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shad250 Sep 2018
Rehab is a money maker for the hospital since these facilities pay a referral fee to the hospital for every patient that is sent to them. From a business standpoint, it is a positive for the Hospital.
There is not not a minimum stay. As Joanne said there are certain number of days that Medicare will pay at a specific percent. What she has list sounds correct. I have not had to deal with this for a number of years, no longer a caregiver.
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