
My mom has been using a potty chair for several years. I finally started using potty liners. Each one comes with a pad for soaking up the liquid. They're not flushable. What do I do with her waste? I can't just put it in the trash. It's hazardous waste, right? I was thinking about a bunch of kitty litter. It sounds right. We have 5 cats but it can't be that easy, right? 😵‍💫

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It's not hazardous waste. It's waste. If she were able she'd be using the toilet and flusing and where do you think that all goes? Into the sewage treatment system, or barring that, a septic tank.

You can pour some kitty litter on the waste and bag everything up so it doesn't spill. Then throw away in your garbage. It's just like disposable diapers, but somehow our minds don't seem to see it the same way.
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anonymous1732518 Dec 2023

Maybe, if it is around for a while then...
This has been discussed before. Would it not be easier just to pour the waste in the toilet and rinse the bucket. Then poor a little bleach and water (1 part to every 10parts) in the bucket and swish around. Or just Lysol the bucket. To me, thats a lot easier.
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OMG....quit freaking out. It's only poop for crying out loud, not nuclear waste.
And quit using the "potty liners"(save yourself some money)and just do what most of us that have had to use the bedside commode for our loved ones did, and that is to put about 6-8 inches of water in the basin of the commode, I then sprayed a few squirts of Poo-Pourri in the water, and after your mom is done pooping you take the basin to the toilet and just flush the contents down.
Then you take the basin and wash it out with some kind of disinfectant and get it ready for the next time. That works like a charm, and there's no thought as to what to do with a poop filled liner.
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cwillie Dec 2023
I agree 100%. Some people use a squirt of Pine-sol with the water rather than Poo-Pourri
How to Empty a Bedside Commode

Empty the commode bucket into the toilet.
Rinse and wash the commode bucket or basin using a disinfectant diluted with water. Dry the commode or let it air-dry.
Wash and dry your hands well.
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