She is in Assisted Living. Her short term memory is pretty much gone. The funeral will be 8 hour drive to probably her favorite place on earth where she grew up. She is medicated for high anxiety and depression. I will definitely tell her of her brother's passing. I believe she will probably remember most of the time. I think it helps her to stay on her routine. I know there are people reading this who have had to make similar decision. What did you do, and did you regret it? My brother leans towards not taking her.
When my Mom had passed, my Dad was there for the viewing and for the Mass which was in town. But Dad wasn't able to go to the cemetery as it was many States away [family plot]. If we flew it would have been difficult as the last time Dad flew was decades ago when flying was so much easier. If we drove, it would take 2 days. Dad's dementia was just starting, but the trip would have been too much. And too much for me, too, being a senior.