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You can also google FTC Just Say No. FTC site lists where to request to get off the mail train. As Jessie said, it's all only partly effective.

My mom got oodles of mail - catalog, charity, religious and the worst offenders-the reverse mortgage types. I rented a private mail box for her - the kind that has a street address and the box can be listed as an apt # and did a change of address for her to that to the ones who mailed the most to her. I got her a box at a UPS storefront. That pretty well eliminated about 85% of her at home mail within about a year and 1/2.
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It is so hard to get the catalogs to stop. I've tried for years and still get a lot of them. There is a company online, Catalog Choice, that will let you put in requests to stop the catalogs. You have to do them one company at a time and have the information off the catalog. It is a pain in the neck and only partly effective.
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Thank you for the information lgloo! Just signed my Dad up & it was free for caretakers to fill out the form. He is inundated with charity solicitations daily. Hoping this works, at least a little bit. ;)
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