
Mother in law, poopy. Diapers.

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Buy a bidet attachment for the toilet which has a water spray feature to help clean her up more easily.
Helpful Answer (4)
PaulC53 May 2023
That's what my Mom had and last Christmas day it was spraying water from the toilet to near her bed. I had the flu that Christmas weekend and she must've made the glass coffee table tilt over and her bottles of pills were on the floor and other things. I had just enough energy to pick it up and put it on the base. Going back to the bidet I turned the water off to it and called maintenance. The guy came and took the bidet out and I bought it. We were charged over $100 for calling for maintenance on Christmas day. I shouldn't have called but I didn't know how to fix it. I need to buy another one because my Mom is 91 and she can't hardly walk to the bathroom. She has bad arthritis in her knees and only gets out to get her knee shots every 3 months. We're on the top floor of an apartment building. A stairway of 17 steps.
Hire someone or place her in a facility.

Best wishes to you.
Helpful Answer (3)
hildacabrera May 2023
Thank you

In the above post its Mom that is the problem, now MIL?

I have a feeling this Caregiving is fairly new. Call Moms/MILs doctor and she if you can get "in home" help to evaluated Mom/MIL. Also, teach you how to care for her. Your problem maybe Dementia is in play here and she had become incontinent. This was when I made the decision to place my Mom in an Assisted living. I was not able to be that hands on Caregiver.
Helpful Answer (3)
hildacabrera May 2023
Yes, I have a lot of issues
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Gently from front to back with soft clothes and mild soaps.
Helpful Answer (2)
hildacabrera May 2023
Thank you Alva!
YouTube has a ton of caregiver skills videos, try this link for several tutorials.
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I assume the same way you change a baby's diaper although it's impossible to put an old woman on a changing table
Helpful Answer (1)
hildacabrera May 2023
Then why would you put that?
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