
Medicaid sent a letter saying his benefits were cancelled as of May 31. He lived 12 more days. Now I have to pay his bills. Is he considered to be on Medicaid if it stopped? He has a lot of medical bills and the Hospice is charging the full rate of $275 a day. How do I know which bills to pay first?

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I think I would ask the Hospice organization to look into this on your behalf.
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Do you know why the Medicaid ended? Can you, on his behalf, do whatever was required to have it reinstated for June? Do inquire with the state agency. Was your brother also on Medicare? I believe Medicare covers the costs of hospice.
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No, he was not on Medicare. He was not old enough and had only been on Medicaid for a few months. He got back payment for his medical bills in April, then got the letter that he was no longer on Medicaid starting June 1. He started hospice on May 31 and died June 11. Now he is being charged the full price of the hospice.
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Are you paying his bills with the estate funds? I would hold off paying anything until you have the Medical bills appealed and reduced. My FIL's estate has been open 2 years. It does not have to happen overnight.
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