
She gets agitated and hits.

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Sorry, please provide more information. Who does she hit?
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Zytrhr, I think the OP meant to write that she "hits on" the male resident, as opposed to hitting someone with hostility.
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I see. Thank you.
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She is hitting staff and other patients. But she is enamored with that particular male pt and does not want to be separated from by the staff
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OK, so who is it that wants them separated?These little romances in the NH aren't uncommon and the best way to handle them IMO is with tolerance, so long as they adhere to appropriate public behaviour.
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Is she on any medication for agitation? Has the facility suggested a resolution?
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Well, she won't be there much longer. Expect a call.
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She is being sent for geriatric psych evaluation! Anybody have experience with that?
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So, in general, Geriatric Psychiatrists try to figure out what medications will best ease a patient's symptoms.

As above, JeanneGibbs asked if your mom is on any meds for agitation. Many dementia patients show signs of agitation and anxiety (hitting, trying to escape, for example). The reality that they are dealing with is not OUR reality (they don't recognize family members as loving children and spouses; they view staff as their "jailers").

Sometimes antianxiety and antidepressant meds are sufficient to help with this agitation, but there are times when stronger meds such as antipsychotics are needed.

Work with the psychiatric team and hopefully, your mother's symptoms and behavior will become more manageable. Let us know how it goes!
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