
I Can’t Take The Guilt And Grief I Don’t Want To Live. I Took Her Into My Home From Assisted Living 6 Yrs Ago. And I Knew Her Time Was Close. I Didn’t Arrange Her Last Rights And I Was Not In Her Hospital Bed Holding Her Hand Like I Always Did. I Loved & Worshipped My Mom More Than Life Itself. How Could I Let Her Down Like That? I Am Her Only Daughter And She Was The Best Mom In The Whole World. She Was The Best Mom In The Whole World I Can’t Go On Without Her.

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My mother died last Monday, and I, too, was not with her. I'd been with her for the past three days holding her hand, but still continued to breathe and sleep.

My mother lived for rain. She was the daughter of a farmer and grew up in the desert, so she didn't got to see a lot of rain. Here in Southern California, we had rain twice last winter and no more, so I think Mom was going to hang on until it rained just one more time. we had a rare overnight thunderstorm that night, and early in the morning when it was still drizzling, I got the call. She needed the rain to let go, not me. It's a journey she had to take alone, and so did your mother. You didn't let her down.

We never know when the time will be, but we know our loved ones are now safe and at peace. Your mom is at peace, and it's time for you to find yours. You have a lifetime of memories, and her death was just one moment in that lifetime. Don't let that moment ruin all the rest for you. It isn't fair to dismiss all the time you spent together because of one moment you couldn't control.
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You didn't let her down. No one can control when it is time for their loved one to pass; it just happens when it happens. It doesn't mean anything about you or your love.
Please find another family member to contact immediately. You are upset and you need some help.
It's okay for you to feel awful right now; this feeling will not last forever even though I'm sure the pain is horrible. Keep breathing, take it one minute at a time.
You will be okay.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sure, absolutely sure, that you did everything right. It was just time.
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there are no truly sooothing or RITE words now just remember why you wher in her bed most times just as she was with you as a child i am sure. keep her life in your loving heart and show the world you are a winner and live like your mother would have wanted you to.
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I am so sorry for the loss of your mom. You loved her with all of your heart. She knew how much that you loved her. You didn’t let her down in any way. The very last thing that she would want for you is to blame yourself for something that you had absolutely no control over.

I wasn’t with my mom or dad when they died but I have no regrets. I was very close to my parents all of my life and that is what matters the most. It’s the same with you. You were there for your mom. I know that she appreciated your love for her.

You’re grieving for her, which is completely understandable. You will always miss her. Please remember that she is with you in spirit. She lives in your heart. Cherish the memories that you had with her. Honor her by celebrating her life. That is what she would want. She’s at peace. You deserve to be at peace too. You did all you possibly could for her.

Wishing you peace as you go through your grieving process. Take care. Sending many hugs your and prayers your way. May your dear mom Rest In Peace.
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I am so sorry for your loss. I know that you feel as if you can’t go on right now. Her death is fresh in your mind. You’re grieving. In time. you will start to heal. Your mom would want you to live your life to the fullest.

You will never forget her love for you. Love doesn’t die just because she is gone. You will love her forever. You will see her again one day. Cherish the memories that you have with her.

Be comforted that she is at peace.

Take care.
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