
This is my second post and it has to do with trying to work with my siblings. I read someplace that there are mediation services that might help with sibling issues when dealing with elderly parent care. Has anyone had any experience with this? Do you usually include the elderly parents in the discussions? Is it expensive or might there be low cost services available?

I would like to give it a try if my brother and sister would be willing as well but before I approach them I would like to know more about it.

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Check with the parent's doctor. If you are using a home health care provider, they have a social worker that does this time of thing and there is no charge. I don't know that it is mediation in the true sense of the word; but, they monitor the meeting, make suggestions and keep the focus on the subject at hand. They will also advise of options available to your parent. Your parent(s) do not have to be there.

You might also check with local legal services group for suggestions they might have.

Good luck! I know it is not easy. Make a list of all your concerns, questions and what you want the meeting to accomplish...keep the meeting conversation to what is on your list! This is not the time for personality disputes (right!). Take slow, deep breaths and look everyone in the eye when talking with them.
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I wish we could correct our typing errors. time in second line should be type.
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I forgot to add if you type "Family Meeting" in the Search Site Box above right...all kinds of good reading will come up.
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My lawyer suggested to me that I might use the catholic priest as a mediator. I guess he is a good guy and non judgmental. I haven't tried that yet, though, I know my sib would be a bear cat to deal with. I prefer to sweep the problems under the rug.
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Thanks so much littletonway and brandywine I know what you mean. There are days I want to just move across the country and let my siblings and parents sort it aout themselves. I would be closer to two of my adult sons and my daughter in law.

All my kids (and my DIL) are a joy to be around and are so sweet to me and their stepdad. We are expecting our first grandchild in Feb. which makes it even MORE tempting plus the weather is so much better... Oh well no sense in pining for things I know I am not going to do. Besides the grass is greener and all that :)
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I'll go in your place. They seem like nice people. I need a good dose of nice people for once.
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