
With toilet paper on very short supply, I am not wiping every time I go. Instead the panty liners can do the job absorbing light needs!! Just change the liner once daily unless soiled. I am still finding liners in the pharmacy.

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Fifty-some years ago my husband was deployed on a Navy ship whose complete supply of toilet paper was destroyed when a storage compartment flooded. For a couple weeks the crew made do with every possible paper source -- newspaper, magazines, mimeograph paper, etc. After repeatedly crumpling it up, the paper would become somewhat soft. (I'm hoping we won't have to resort to this!)
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We don't have a bidet in our bathroom, but can be installed. That would help cut down the need for toilet paper. Another easy option is to use a postpartum squeeze bottle to wash yourself with water, then dry with a towel. This is the type of bottle the hospital usually gives to women who just gave birth to wash themselves as it would be too painful to wipe soon after giving birth. I got one after the birth of each of my daughters, and it was very useful. Amazon and Walmart have them, and other drug stores should too.
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
Great idea too. Why not have a bottle like that? I have never used a bottle. I had a c-section but this sounds like a good idea!
On the issue of flushing, absolutely nothing except toilet paper should be flushed.    You could put anything else in a plastic bag, add some baking soda to absorb odor, and put it out with the garbage.

Sewer backups are unpleasant, inconvenient, and costly.    Don't take that chance!
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UPDATE: Here is a link to a reusable pee cloth
Disclaimer: I have never used this, so I can't vouch for it. But - ladies who do frequent, multiple-overnight, backcountry camping excursions swear by it.
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020

It actually looks like a great product. So, $20 for one piece. Say you buy two of them, in the long run cheaper than toilet paper! It’s small. You can hand wash in no time. As they say, hang dry. My vote is yes for this product.

Great recommendation, squee!
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Paper napkins, tissues, liners, etc can all work and are easier to find right now than toilet paper. Just be careful when it comes to flushing them. Our local sewer dept does not want anything flushed except actual toilet paper. Any other paper product would just go in the garbage. We are not even supposed to flush the personal wipes which are labeled as being "flushable."
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Isthisrealyreal Mar 2020
Which they are not.

To test the flushability of anything, put it in a glass of water, it shot start to dissolve instantly, like 5 seconds. If it does not, you are asking for problems by flushing it.

I learned this living in a motor home and I was unwilling to pay 1.00 per anemic roll of rv toilet paper. Trust me when I say it is a reliable test. 6 years and never 1 problem.
Pat, that's a great idea about using panty liners. Thanks for posting that suggestion :)
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See WorriedinCALI's answer in this thread:�

She suggests paper napkins.    Good idea; I never thought of that.
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If it works, go for it!
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I spoke with the manager at my local drug store/pharmacy. Their supplies are scheduled to be shipped every 2 weeks, and this schedule has not been adjusted since the quarantine, despite the increased demand. People who know about the shipment dates - employees and their fam or friends? - arrive early and stock up.

This seems a little unethical, maybe? Like insider trading, but with toilet paper and wipes.

There is a washable/reusable cloth that backpackers swear by ( in accordance with the LEAVE NO TRACE guidelines) that I've put off buying, mainly because I don't foresee any 2020 camping. However I think right now might be the best time to buy one. If anyone is interested, I will post a link.
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Isthisrealyreal Mar 2020
Please post a link.

This is going to be long for people that have no toilet paper.

Thank you.
Another concern that could be addressed by backpacker's equipment is the fact that so many places are closed and their restrooms are unavailable.
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