
First off I hate cooking, period. I cooked for my family so we wouldn't starve. Now I am widowed, my son lives in another state. And I am the caregiver for my parents. In March as I was getting a mastectomy with my second bout with Breast cancer, I had to have a nursing service to come in--my Mom was packing food in her mouth. So the speech therapist took her dentures out and her bottom plate out. My Mom has Alzheimer's and has been bed bound every since.My parents had put themselves on a salt free diet . Tonight I cooked what I thought she would like but she didn't like any of it. I have to purée her food.I am very frustrated.Theres more to say but no room. Thanks for listening. My mother is 85 & my Dad is 89.

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Tootie, it is part of aging, we will all lose our ability to taste things except for sweets, that is if we ever live to be the age of our parents :P

Oh, I have the pink t-shirt, which the doctors blame on the stress of a job I was never qualified for, that I never wanted, nor had any training to do, and that is that of a caregiver.
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Hi, Tootie. I hate cooking, too. I wish they had a pill I could add a little water to so it would make a meal.

It seems to me that getting picky with food is part of getting old, in general. Older people seem to like light finger foods, heavy on the salt and sugar. In my mother's and father's case, the unhealthier the food is, the better they liked it. My mother likes fried foods heavy with salt. My father liked sweets. Anything that I make that resembles healthy is considered not fit to eat.

So I cook what I can to keep us from starving. I must be doing okay, since Mom and I are both kind of plump.
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I have a taste disorder. Can't taste salt, sugar, most foods. It's a residual chemo effect. I tell you this because of what I've found works for me. I enjoy textures. Crunchy foods like cole slaw, raw veggies or chopped salads, crusty breads, tomato sauces for the acidity. If your parents are losing their taste, texture might help. If they like spicy, give them spicy.

I had mom with me a year. She loved finger foods. I often gave her veggie sticks with Ranch dressing, grilled cheese sandwiches, soups in a cup instead of with a spoon.

Ensure has a wonderful chocolate shake product that had over 300 calories. Keep some in the house for all of you.

Hope something here helps you.
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So sorry that you do not like cooking. I love to cook. It is creative for me. But money restraints prohibit me cooking the way I would like.
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I also hate cooking... heck I need a tranquilizer just to turn on the stove :P

Everything I try to cook looks like a science experience that went terribly wrong. And nothing ever resembled the wonderful photo in the cook book. Thank goodness for Stouffer's.

Oh, if one is using a whitener toothpaste, some can cause one to lose their sense of taste. Once you stop using said toothpaste, in a couple of weeks your taste will return. It scared the daylight out of me when it first happened and by the process of elimination I found out it was that darn toothpaste. Some mouthwashes will do the same thing.
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FF, I'm going to switch yo son whitening toothpaste. Can't hurt. Might help. Thank you!
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