
We are hiring a caregiver for my father while I am at work. One of the questions I have is when you hire a caregiver through an agency, do we allow them to drive my father's car when driving my father to activities? Is there additional insurance we need to take out on his car insurance? How much liability does the care agency take in case their caregiver gets into an accident?

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ooops. Assets

yes, but ask you insurance agency…

you need to make sure your dad doesn’t lose his home..

this can happen inside the home.. OOPS… my back is injured… I looked … I mean I picked up your dad…. And my back went out…

people can sue people..
ask about in-home caregivers employed by :: ABC CAREGIVER CO.. “
Helpful Answer (2)
Bryahsmom Nov 2023
Thank you so much!!
If they use their own car, they can charge you by the mile..
check with you insurance company or DMV about mileage fees
Helpful Answer (1)
Bryahsmom Nov 2023
Thank you so much for your response. Much appreciated.
Yes, it is normal.

I, highly recommend, a few things, 1st contact dad's insurance and ask them how to ensure that there is the proper coverage on his vehicle for this scenario, 2nd require the agency to provide you with proof, certificate of insurance that includes general liability, workman comp and auto, whatever they have, send this to your insurance and ask them to verify coverage and do a check on the caregivers license to ensure there aren't loads of wrecks in their record, 3rd require the caregiver to provide proof of insurance. Often times insurance follows a driver, meaning they are covered no matter what vehicle they are driving.

Doing your due diligence can save lots of future hassle.
Helpful Answer (3)
Bryahsmom Nov 2023
Thank you so much for your response
That is a question for your Dad's insurance agent. In most cases the driver who drives with permission is covered, but not in all and you can't risk this without checking. As you can imagine, we aren't the insurance agent, and can't answer this for you.

When my brother was, four years ago, thinking of hiring someone from Visiting Angels, we were told that in order to have a caregiver who would DRIVE anywhere we had to let them know ahead of time, as they had to vet the situation. I think that would mean insurance, driving record of worker and etc. But we never ended up hiring, so cannot fully inform you. Discuss with the agency you hire from and discuss with your insurance agent. Wish you the best of luck. Let us know what you learn, OK? It will help others here.
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