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For local information, go to the state Web site and look under aging services. The Family Caregiver Support Program is available in some form in all states. There should be contact information on the site.

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I've contacted the North Shore Senior Center that's listed and the closest to me...not much help.
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Can I get paid caring for my elderly father
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It depends on many things. Some states offer stipends for family members if the the elder is on Medicaid. Go to and find your state resources. Then follow through and see what you can find locally. Your Area Agency on Aging may also be able to tell you. There's nothing that I know of that is across the board nationally. We wish it were different!
Take care,
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Yes, Marcy, it is possible, but only if your parents meet the qualifications for the services. I'm retired from the State of Illinois and I know there is a Community Care services program for seniors, for which you could be trained and paid as a caregiver.
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