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urge incontinence. Discuss it with your doctor.
Helpful Answer (4)

Until you get it under control (and you can with help) get some 'Tena Lady'. They make different types for different situations. I ask for ones for a 'leaky lady' then smile. Good luck. See your doc for help. :)
Helpful Answer (2)

Kegel Exercises - do them. They work. Unless there is some underlying disease, this is due to weakened muscles which can be strengthened.
Helpful Answer (10)

yourmom101, welcome to the golden years. So many women as they age are finding that we can't dash to the bathroom quick enough. For me, if I sit too long in front of the computer, as soon as I stand up, I need to make that made dash. Sneezing is also a trigger.

Golden is right, do the Kegel exercises. I need to keep reminding myself to do them.
Helpful Answer (8)

ff - It's the third sneeze that does it for me. ;p Kegels have helped me a lot. You just need to keep practicing a few times a day once you have built up some strength.
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Can I join your group? LOL as I have the same problem. When I was young I never dreamt that my body would act like this when I aged. My mother and dad never complained so I never even had an idea that these kind of things just happen as you age.
Helpful Answer (5)

Yourmom, if you are not familiar with kegal exercises they are very simple. When urinating tense muscles to stop flow. My PT said count to 3 release, do 10x per bathroom run. I couldn't even stop flow for first month. Then as you are sitting do the squeeze as often as you remember, I do it in heavy traffic to redirect my frustration at textors holding up the flow of traffic.

I have never checked but there might be videos on internet explaining the how, when and what. This can be dealt with, so chin up😀
Helpful Answer (4)

As others have answered, “Senior Spritzes” are perfectly normal for us “ladies of a certain age”, especially those of us who’ve had children. When I turn on the tap in the sink, I most often have to make a beeline for the bathroom. The pads are wonderful. Be aware that the regular pantiliners don’t work as well. They seem to hold moisture and that can be uncomfortable. I use Poise. More important than the brand is finding a pad that works for you.
Helpful Answer (4)

Kegel exercises are targeted and excellent. Working to maintain greater overall strength (muscle tone) and fitness helps incontinence and has many other benefits that contribute to higher quality of life as we age. It's never too late - every bit of physical activity helps - start today. 
Helpful Answer (4)

It is probably better to do the Kegels separate from urination time. From the Mayo Clinic website (just google Kegel mayo):

Don't make a habit of using Kegel exercises to start and stop your urine stream. Doing Kegel exercises while emptying your bladder can actually lead to incomplete emptying of the bladder — which increases the risk of a urinary tract infection.
Helpful Answer (11)

I talked to my GP about it and she sent me to Physical Therapy. What they had me do helped a lot. My problem is I don't keep doing the exercises. So, go to your doctor and get some help.
Helpful Answer (2)

This is quite a big club to join, both the leaks and "forgetting" to do the kegals.
I just use panties all the time "just in case" Most brands seem to work well as long as they are the right size. Pads in regular panties can also work but they may be more uncomfortable. I am just thankful I don't have a prolapse too! Now you all know that you can actually ride a horse in them and no one will know except you and probably the horse.
I am also thankful that I don't have a prostate that has to be removed. after effects of that are miserable.
Helpful Answer (3)

I never got kegels, they never seemed to do anything; then I found some youtube videos showing how to identify the correct muscles and exercise them. But yeah, if you slack off the leaks soon come back, usually at a most inconvenient time.
And I always assumed I wouldn't have this problem because I haven't had any kids, but I do. 😒
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You have to do them right for sure, or they don't help. And keep practicing them - like tightening your jaw/neck muscles to keep the jowls at bay! ;p
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Great!!! I hate exercising!!!
But everyone is right Kegels will help.
Helpful Answer (3)

Kegels help a lot - I started about 39 years ago - just use stopping urine for the first few times to get the feel - try doing it at every stop light or stop sign so you get quite a few a week - try for 50 a week but that's only 7 a day so is manageable
Helpful Answer (3)

So are you aware that there are medications that you can take for this? Vesicare is one, if you so chose to do so.
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Also imiprimine in small doses worked for me when I was teaching skiing and pads were not comfortable out in the cold weather. 5 years later and I was still on Imiprimine and was having trouble urinating. Dr, offered to stretch me. Just stopped the imiprimine instead. Still less leaks than before and as Caregiver not so urgent. Just need to pick up thin pads.
Helpful Answer (1)

All the Kegels in the world won't help if you have a vaginal prolapse (where the vagina is pushed forward or down), caused by a Cystocele (the bladder protruding (pushing) into the vaginal canal).

I went through my health plan's Bladder Physical Therapy (vaginal exams with the female practitioner's finger inside the vagina) to see if I was doing the Kegels correctly. My doctor had me put one foot up on a stool, put an absorbent pad on the floor then told me to cough. Sprinkles-but, thankfully, not gushers!

I wound up having surgery for a Rectocele repair (same principle but the part "falling" into the vagina is the rectum.) Yeah, I know, TMI. 🙄
It helped somewhat with the incontinence because things were "back in place".

All I'm saying is that sometimes, if Kegels alone aren't working (providing you are doing them correctly and often), there may be more going on than just muscle tightness issues. Get checked by your GYN doctor.

In the class I was taught to not urinate unless I had to (had an urge) and to not look at the toilet directly as you walk into the bathroom. It sends signals to the brain to loosen the bladder muscle. Look at the towels or mirror instead. Sounds stupid but it has helped.
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When I was having that problem, I used "panty liners" - cheap enough and I then felt secure. They are no longer needed. :)
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SueC1957. I am really going try the don't look thing. I know it is in my brain, because I do pretty good until I get near the toilet. Another problem is like a little kid, I try to get one more thing done or this thing finished before I go to the bathroom. I need to stop and just go when I feel the urge.
Helpful Answer (4)

Use feminine pads
Get RX called Vesicare
Helpful Answer (1)

It's called "urge incontinence." That and "stress incontinence" (losing urine when sneezing/coughing/lifting) are the scourge of elderly women. One can do Kegels until the cows come home - but they may not solve the problem - since Kegels primarily strengthen the vaginal area and pelvic floor muscles - but not the "urethral opening." Many cases of age-related incontinence in women are related to vulvar atrophy and generalized "thinning" of the tissues in the urethral area.

I recommend wearing one of those ultra-thin menstrual pads inside your panties at all times, to catch any urine leaks. Alternatively, there are specialized products such as "Poise" and "Tena" designed for urinary incontinence.
Helpful Answer (3)

I went for 9 months of pelvic floor physical therapy for my own leaking problem - which did nothing to help it. (I am expert Kegel Queen - BTW - all to no avail!) A gazillion medical tests performed - and no physiologic reason for my leaking, except for aging and being post-menopausal. (Never been pregnant.) Leaking is a real inconvenience, that's for sure.

TMI? - I'll share most anything if it will help other people in this forum.

I might mention that if those disposal pads are irritating to anyone, there are reusable menstrual pads available online that wrap around the crotch of one's panties and snap. They work well for urine leaks and can be laundered in the regular household laundry.
Helpful Answer (5)

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