
So my mom now deceased had this very good friend, like boyfriend for 10 years. She came and did for his wife who died of ALZ. Not every day but frequently. He broke up with my mom over the phone to date other person.

This person is sending me pics of my mom at his house years ago. Like 8 years ago. Both he and the girlfriend were planning to go see my mom. They called and notified she passed earlier that day. They wanted to have lunch with her. Yeah she was Cheney stokes breathing at that point.

I am incensed by this woman contacting me.

What say you with more rational minds?

ETA. If he is to attend my mom's celebration of life, I do not want her to attend. And her seeing my mom in her state would have been an insult.

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You did good.

Really, lunch? Don't understand where he and GF are coming from. Sounds weird to me.
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He broke off the relationship so he doesn't need to be at the service.

Tell him that he made his chicken poo choice and he is no longer welcome to come around.

Poor taste and bad manners to have the new woman involved, what a scum bag couple.
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I let her have it. I was gracious. But pointed, and said if he is to attend her celebration of life, he is to attend alone. Your going to see my mom would be in poor taste and a slap in her face. At the the time of your planned visit, she was on Cheney Stokes breathing and had two kennedy terminal ulcers. Take your bridge building elsewhere. And you know who would agree me? His deceased wife.
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worriedinCali Jun 2019
You did good! You know your mom would NOT want that woman there and my advice is to do what your mom would want’ve done the right thing Seg! He can come pay his respects if he wishes, but she can stay behind. Nothing wrong with that.
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I forwarded the texts I sent to her, 2, to be exact, to him, and said please have this woman never contact me again.

Her photo file was from 2008. Apparently, been circling waters for a bit.

God Almighty. I can't believe I am doing this. Have stooped this low. I am somewhat ashamed of myself, but more of them.

Mom, I don't have a spider man costume. But this is untoward. Just poor taste.gah! Thanks you guys.
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I would feel the same way but I just don't see why all of a sudden they wanted to contact Mom. Was the woman a friend of Moms and was looking for forgiveness? Relationships do end. It wasn't meant to be for him and Mom.

Its like relatives you never hear from and then ur dying and they come out of the woodwork with their hand out. Just curious about why now they wanted to have lunch with Mom. I think I might ask him that.
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I think it is nice of them to send you old photos they have found of your mother.

Whatever relationship your mother had with the guy is long past and really not that important in the grand scheme of things. As in, not worth your spending any more time and energy on.

If one or both of them comes to the service, just be civil. Chances are, that will be the last time you ever have to deal with them.
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