
It is good to read all these comments. My husband has alzheimers and there are times he is lucid and other times he is so far in left field its unbelievable..He is on namendia..aracept..resperdal..and numerous calming drugs. He has been on silver alert, and don't have a clue where he is part of the time. I know its not the way he wants to live..Its still a decision we are waiting on the dr. to tell us whether to continue the meds or take him off. My husband was extremely aggressive before he got this..I am almost afraid to try him without drugs, for my own safety..This is a very horrible disease. I am reading articles that say marijuana pills for medical use, really helps. Why is this not available.

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Trannydog..Is there a way that you can get your husband to take a walk with you? Ir if he is in a wheelchair take him for a walk. This will get you both a bit of fresh air, you will get a bit of exercise and he will get a change of scenery. A walk in the fresh air will do wonders for boosting his mood, as well as yours. If it is very hot wait until evening or early morning. Pack a bottle of water for both of you. If you can get to a local park you could even pack a snack and make a nice outing of it.
You need to care for yourself so if taking him out is not possible get someone to come in and sit with him for an hour 3 times a week so you can get out for a walk or a bike ride. Just something to keep yourself going. (if you can't manage 3 times a week 2 would be better than nothing)
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Right now he is at the clinging stage. He will demand I sit with him constantly..I have gained weight not being able to do any exercise, and I worry about my own health..It is a very hard decision to make when you have been with someone for 47 years. I am however strong enough to place him once the aggression starts. He cries if I try to just leave him alone for a while. He goes to work with me..So far that has worked out ok..He wanted to help our son and myself mow this weekend. We let him follow us around on the mower. He felt good about doing something, and it worked out ok. I just don't see that the meds are helping. I do have an appointment set up next week to see what the Dr. has to say. When I say in left field. Somedays he don't know for sure where he is..After I tell him he thinks about it and says he does. I can't help wondering how horrible this is for him...Not knowing if I have been married to him all these years..Where he is sometimes. It is so sad...Thank you all for your support..I know I have a long road and a lot of decisions ahead. Our son is fully on board when the times comes to place him somewhere...
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I agree that I would explore all options for his care, especially if you aren't able to work. In another posts, I think you said that you had to take your husband to work with you and he slept there in a chair.

Will his doctor put him in the hospital in order to adjust his medications? That way they can monitor his behavior and see what you are seeing.
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I hate that I can not change a spelling or word in a previous post...
What I meant to say was... You need to decide NOW and discuss this with any children.....
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You need to decide not and discuss this with any children if you have any. At what point will you say "I can not take care of him any more!" It is a matter of your safety and his.
Do not back down from this.
Do not think that he did not mean it, he was agitated he won't do it again, it wasn't that bad and so on. You can come up with any number of excuses for him but bottom line is if you are injured what will happen then? A friend of mine woke up when her husband had her by the throat and a knife in his hand. She placed him for her safety.
Medications can help but it may be a while before you find the "perfect dose" and even then it may change as he declines.
As you search for a place with Memory Care look at the guidelines and what would give them reason to "expel" him.
Yes it is terrible.
And if your state has legal medical marijuana ask the doctor to prescribe it if it is indicated for a condition he has been diagnosed for. Some states are pretty picky about what they will accept and will not accept. For example a diagnosis of Alzheimer's may not warrant a prescription but if he is diagnosed with " chronic back pain" that may be covered.
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How long has it been since his diagnosis of Alzheimers?

What do you mean by he's so far in left field? Was he that way before he started the medications?
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