
We have seen a primary care physician about his itching all over his back, front, arms. I also noticed bruising, little and big ones all over his back, front, and arms. They seem to appear overnight. Could it be from his scratching? I do put prescription medicine and triple action medicated lotion all over him to relieve the itching. The medication the doctor gave him doesn't help much, but the store bought helps more. The bruising is what really concerns me. It started when the itching started. We don't have anyone or any animals that could be doing this, they are small and random. There are none on his back though. Strange!

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My father developed an allergy to bleach and detergents when in the hospital and had the same symptoms. The bruising was because of all the itching. Have you used any new detergents? Does he have new blankets? Can you switch to a non-bleach, non-fragranced detergent? This is what helped my dad.

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Could he have a food allergy? Is he on a blood thinner like Plavix or Coumadin?
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No food allergies and no blood thinners. No one else is itching like he is. I also thought that the bruising was caused by the scratching. I will see about washing with a different soap and bleach, but I was thinking that this might be caused by weakening of the skin. Elder people bruise so easily because of the frailty of their skin. I am just guessing. Thank you for all your responses.
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There is a very good daily moisturizing cream by Burts Bees (a favorite of mine) that is just for sensitive skin ... might also be worth a try. It's fragrance free and hypoallergenic, dermatologist tested. A friend has had super results with it for her itchy skin. Hope things will soon be much better for your hubby.
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Itching could be a sign of liver problems.
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It just got started before the weekend, so we had to wait until the following Monday. The pcp did no blood work, but asked about his meds, and other possibilities were ruled out. I did some research and it could be related to his kidneys. But he is better now. We used a triple action itch lotion that helped so much more. Thank you for the input!
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Phew! That's good to hear :) You'll keep a close eye on it, won't you - if it does come back, get the bloods done early on.
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Any new medication refills? If yes, and these are prescriptions your hubby has been taking for awhile, check to see if the newest refill is from a different manufacturer.... each manufacturer uses their own set of fillers and binders to make the pill large enough to handle and to keep the pill together.

My Mom and I both have these issues where we are hyper-sensitive or allergic to the fillers/binders/coatings.
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How's his kidney function? - I was also going to ask about blood thinners, but since he's not taking any…
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Actually. How long has this been going on? Did the PCP suggest checking his bloods?
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