
For the past four years we have noticed a gradual decline in his memory. He now gets lost, cannot remember where he places things, and is withdrawing from family and friends. We’ve spoken to him about our concerns, but he is adamant that no testing or medication will occur. We are trying a new doctor to see if she can help him. At a loss, how has anyone successfully addressed a similar situation? He is so stubborn.

You have posted this under dementia.
You well know what you are likely looking at, though it would be some comfort to have diagnosis in so far as medical science is able, and any idea of prognosis.
As I am certain you are aware, we as yet have no proven treatments, and treatment goes according to symptoms. The idea now is to keep your elder as safe and provide for as you are able. I wish you the very best, and am so sorry you are going through this. Know here that you certainly are not alone.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

As Alva said, “You well know what you are likely looking at”. One approach to your father would be to ‘diagnose’ it yourself, and simply tell him the diagnosis. Tell him if he doesn’t want to look for medical help, you will move forward making decisions on the basis that your diagnosis is correct.

This is a good time to look at what you and he need to get in place immediately – a POA, information about F’s financial options for care, changes to where he lives at present. Being firm and clear may be more helpful than continuing to put pressure on him to ‘find out the worst’.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to MargaretMcKen

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Reply to Geaton777

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