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Hi April
Is your mom in rehab? How can we help?
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My mother broke her hip and had surgery. She was transferred to a rehab. She was at a memory care facility. In rehab she is in a room where they keep an eye on her but it is not a memory care. I was concerned if i should hire someone when I am not with her to help with meals and to be there for comfort. Mostly during the evening hours. I have never dealt with a rehab before and with my mother having dementia it is hard for her to understand why she is in pain. She will get agitated if she is uncomfortable. She is being treated with tylenol. Sometimes that is not enough. They only give her oxycodone if necessary because it makes her too groggy for her PT. We will have a meeting with the facility next week to see how she is doing. I was wondering if anyone has hired someone to help out when someone is at the rehab. I think she may be there for a couple of weeks.
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April, you can hire an aide to be with your Mom but rehab is typically located in a skilled nursing facility. As such, they should be equiped to make sure she is comfortable and fed. Needless to say, no facility is perfect and it always depends upon the staff. It's good that you can be there quite a bit. My Mom was also in rehab post hip surgery. Despite my telling them of her memory issues, at discharge they reviewed her progress and stated she wasn't good with the walker. She had NEVER used a walker before but they thought she had. Trust me, the admission paperwork and interviews were extensive and I certainly told them that but . . . due to her age (late 90s) they 'assumed' she had been using a walker!
At the family meeting, ask for a full report on her progress. Don't suggest an aide since the facility would love for you to pay for a private aide to free up their staff. (you can always do it anyway). Are you able to watch the therapy sessions?? I was allowed to do that as long as I didn't interfere. I found it helpful for post rehab as I would encourage my Mom to do those same movements/steps when we were back in Memory care. The meeting is madatory. They may try to rush it but bring a list of questions so you can get in all of your points. You can also show up at an evening meal (unexpected) to see if they are assisting her. Don't forget to hydrate and ask if there isn't something in between Tylenol and Oxycodone! I'd stay away from the latter! godo luck to you and your Mom
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Thank you so much for your advice. We will be having a meeting next week and I don't plan on bringing up hiring an aid. That was a very good idea you had. I didn't think of that. I was able to see her with the PT at therapy and they did a great job. My mother actually did what they asked her to do. I was amazed. They had a very calm and soothing voice and manner. I have been at lunch and dinner, but i will try not coming until the middle of it to see if she is being helped. And they are staying away from the Oxycodone and only giving her Tylenol. She was too groggy for the PT. Being there at different times I can see when she needs the Tylenol the most and I ask the nurse to give it to her if it is needed earlier. I'll have to check to see if they give her Tylenol if needed when I'm not there.
Thank you so much for your advice. It is nice to know that your Mom was able to go back to Memory Care after rehab. Wish you and your Mom well.
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Hi April, for whatever reason when your message appeared all it read was "Rehab" which is why I asked how we could help. I'm glad you wrote back what was going on and you've gotten some help. I hope your mom is better soon.
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I currently hire companionship for my mom who is bedridden at the moment. Her and my mom already knew each other and she just goes and talks with her or reads to her. I like it for the days I can't visit since my mom is very bored in bed.
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Thank you 97yrold mom.
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Thank you. I am going to see how my mother does and may hire one of her aids from Memory Care if there is a time I can't be with her. She also gets bored if there is no one to give her attention.
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