
Husband owned own co and it paid his med bills and car expenses now he is an amputee in a skilled facility with long term ins they don't pay for anything. The son lives nicely and says he gives dad a salary and he doesn't need to pay. The dad has a trust for his adult kids when he passes but I'm second wife and attorney won't talk to me. And he hasn't passed. I have medical bills and car expenses and car insurance to keep up which the company paid for. He is on hospice (after MRSA and two amputations) and mild dementia. How can I get the company to pay for these expenses which they always did?

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Marsha, once a person can no longer work for a company the benefits go away. A company would go bankrupt if it offered full salary plus all benefits once an employee leaves or retires.
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He owned the company and passed it to his son and the company paid for his medicare and bills plus the car insurance before he got sick and a reduced retirement salary.
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Marsha, call the insurance carrier with the insurance information and ask if these expenses are covered. Sadly, there have been many changes in health insurance over recent years so what was covered in the past may not be covered going forward.

FreqFlyer, while it is becoming more rare, there are many companies that do continue medical insurance into disability and retirement. Both my spouse and I have such coverage and both of our Moms and 3 aunts did as well.
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Geewiz, my Dad worked for a top fortune 500 company for decades and now he and Mom are in their mid-90's and his retirement package changed this year. Now he and Mom have to pay for their secondary insurance and pharmacy insurance where all those years it was free.

Of course Dad is hopping mad... well, Dad, welcome to MY world... he and Mom should be thankful they had free health care since the 1940's with some very low co-pays if any.
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If you both have SS plus a pension from the company, and you have Medicare, all the Hospice expenses should be covered. What you really need to know is what will happen when he dies. Is there Life Insurance? Do the Pension benefits continue, decrease, or stop? You really need to sit down with an Estate Planning Attorney as soon as you can.
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Marsha, if this is not you or your husband's attorney, then probably the attorney would not talk to you - if it is a company attorney, or the son's, then they would have to keep confidentiality. When your husband turned the company over to his son, did he sign a agreement? What did it provide in terms of pension, continuing insurance coverage etc.? The above posters are right - so much has changed and company paid benefits after retirement are a dying breed.
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