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The addresses are mostly for identifying the ‘Jane Smith’ you are talking about. It’s common to put ‘Jane Smith formerly of xxx but now of yyy’, and you wouldn’t do any harm by writing ‘John Smith now of aaa but in future to be of bbb’. You might need to explain why, if dear John didn’t actually go to bbb, but that’s all.
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smeshque, as long as the person is moving within the same State, I don't think it matters. I just looked at my POA, and it just shows at the beginning the City and State. Later within the POA was the paragraph about selling my residence and the full address was noted.

If the person is moving out-of-state, then he may need to prepare a new POA as each State has their own laws regarding Power of Attorney. And some States will accept a POA written in another State if the writing is similar.

Hope he is using an "Elder Law Attorney" for his Power of Attorney. I know one can find blank POA's on-line, but one missing word or one misplaced word could later create complications.
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I put what I knew would be a permanent address, even though he didn't live there, I knew he would always get anything mailed there.
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Thank you, I was thinking that is how It should go too.
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smeshque, are you asking about the person who is requesting the Power of Attorney, or the person who will be the Power of Attorney?

The only address that was in my parent's Power of Attorney was in a paragraph that reflect that the Power of Attorney could sell the home at 123 Main Street, Whatever, State of Confusion. I have the same thing with my Power of Attorney regarding my own residence.

People move around so much in the past few decades. What does the Attorney recommend?
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smeshque Jun 2019
The person requesting POA he will be moving in a few months but doing POA now. He didn't know to put his current address or where he will be.
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