
My wife gets confused sometimes on adjusting her shower water temperature and needs help with like more hot or less cold water and will call me to help set the temp. She's been a diabetic for a long time so I'm suspicious about her ability to feel temp anyway and don't want het to scald herself.
Anyway, I'm wondering if there's and shower thermometers that I could stick on the wall for her? I'm thinking some kind of wireless sensor and 3" digital numbers.
How do you manage your loved one's water temperatures?

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You can adjust the hot water temp at your water heater so that it never gets so hot as to scald her. That's what parents do when they have young kids at home.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777

There are faucets that you can set a temperature.
There are "anti scald" devices that can be used.
It is very possible that she would not understand the thermometer or the relationship of the numbers to the temperature.
I saw on a show (Gotta love and hate HGTV!) that there are shower tiles that change color at different temperatures. "Thermochromic tiles" maybe getting some of them and placing them on the shower wall might be a good indicator for her. They are dark when cold then change to a blue and green then yellow then orange then red the hotter the water gets. You would not have to redo your bathroom maybe a large square of 4 or so attached to the wall with a caulk might work
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Reply to Grandma1954

The main water heater adjustment here is the most important. While you won't have as much hot water as you might wish to do the dishes it also won't heat to scald, and you are SO RIGHT to be very concerned about this. SO RIGHT! Injuries from too hot water and from heating pads are COMMON to our ERs with the elder, and particularly a danger to diabetics with their nerve damage and inabiliity to heal well.
The only way I know is to turn down the main water heater. I hope others have some ideas for you.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

I admit I'm asking this more for selfish reasons. Our water heater is set pretty well. But, this is just one of those frustrating and irritating things for both of us.
GM, that's a neat idea about the temp sensitive tiles. I'll have to look for those, thanks.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to jwellsy

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