
To my surprise I've found that the insurance policy my mother had named me as the single beneficiary. I would like to share it with 2 of my 3 sisters. It isn't a lot of money but the issue I have is that the third sisters daughter (niece) took advantage of my mother financially for several months before she died. I am sure that my sister knew.

It isn't as much about the small financial amount as it is the principal. The fact that mother was taken advantage of and I and my 2 sisters had to cover some of Mom's financial costs the last few months of her life.

Do I just split the money 4 ways or do what I feel right about and split it 3 ways?

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I care for my father 24/7 after he had 3 strokes. he has Parkinsons and Dementia. He is very confused at times and can be angry and aggressive which upsets all of us in our home. My brother lives 5 miles away and my sister is 1200 miles away. Neither does or have done anything to help me with dad. My sister could call or write him etc. but she doesn't. she does call me but only ask about him if she reads on facebook that he is ill or going thru one of his moods. My brother did take him to dinner but my son had to go along to take care of dad. This happened when my mom was ill for 2 yrs and again.. no help whatsoever. He has an insurance policy with me as beneficiary. Its not a large sum of money. My attitude is that they will receive a share based on the percentage of help they gave me. Which is ZERO! I have no qualms about accepting the money.
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The money was left to you. It is yours. You can do exactly what you want to with it.
a) You can keep it all yourself. That was your mother's decision.
b) You can share it with the two sisters who helped cover Mother's financial costs
c) You can share it equally among the four of you.

I vote for b, but it is totally up to you.
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rosie123, I see no reason for you not to accept what your father is leaving you, and to keep it for yourself.

The only reason I'd be inclined to see katie1951 share it with two of her sisters is that they, too, had expenses for their mother in the last months of her life. Your situation is different. I don't think you should have any qualms, either.
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I vote for B as well, I wouldnt do alot of explaining as sisters might wonder why mom made you the sole beneficiary...
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Of course, it is your money and you can do as you please, but since you're asking, honestly, if I were you, and I could muster the courage, I'd divide it 4 ways and split evenly. You'd be showing a sense of forgiveness and fairness as well as putting an end to ever having to hear about it in the future. You said it isn't much money - so if it is the principle - you could be the one to set the example. Just a thought. This about how you will feel after each scenario - which one feel better, more OK within yourself...Either way - I wish you peace with your decision. Struggling with the decision shows what a good person you are.
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Thank You jeannegibbs
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I'm with Rosie ;)
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I discussed this with my 2 sisters I planned to share with and we decided that I should share it with all 3 of them. Carlita5, thanks for the advice. The sibling that I was thinking about leaving out has shut out all 3 of the others from her life. Hopefully offering her the share might be the olive branch we need to keep the sisters intact.
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