
I am looking for suggestions of how to roll or clean the bottom of a 250 pound male who is terrified of rolling on his side and fights. Is there any equipment that can help with this that would make it less scary for him. Any out-of-the-box ideas?

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Do you have a bed rail or a bed assist rail? My mom liked to grab hold of hers when she was turned on her side, it gave her reassurance that she wouldn't fall (plus she thought she was helping me turn her 😂)
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2021
My mom does this in her hospice house. She likes the comfort of holding onto something.
Is this is a home environment? (Coz if in a care facility it would be a 2 or 3 person job).
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A Bed rail allowed my mom to go from being scared after her stroke to now being able to hold the rail and “help” me. We place pictures or things to read and look at while she is on her side (she has a window and we put a bird feeder there as well). Sometimes if we are doing like ear drops and she needs to stay on her side longer we use one of those heavy roll pillows to place behind her back (it helps her feel something behind her making her feel more secure). The pillow is heavy and she has nicknamed it “the tree trunk”.
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There really isn't any special equipment that can help with the diaper changing.
There are some ways to make it more comfortable though. Like using warm water and soap to clean him with instead of room temperature wipes.
If he has a hospital bed, put the side rail up and have him hold onto it with a firm pillow behind him for support. Then repeat on the other side so you can clean him properly. I always kept the client's lower half covered with a large bath towel towel during the change and folded it over when cleaning them. Being covered also helps to keep a person calmer.
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I use a hoyer lift, but instead of using the sling that requires rolling of the person, I made my own leg sling. I hooked a transfer belt to the arms of the hoyer lift to create the sling and taped a foam tube around the belt webbing to make it soft and cushioned.
I still have to give my mother plenty of warning and reassurance, but I can simply slide her legs unto the sling with the padding behind her knees and essentially jack her bottom up. It keeps her elevated off the changing surface and I have both hands free to make sure she is completely clean. It also allows me to carefully inspect her skin with every change.
Reassurance, however is key, because she no longer understands what I am trying to do. I warn her ahead of everything I do, and spend a lot of time telling her that she is doing a good job before, during, and after diaper changes. Combined with the lift, it really helps make diaper changes easier on her.
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That is a great idea.
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Sorry, there are no special devices to keep his fear in check,. There are medications called anti-anxiety agents that can help him to relax more and fight you less.

Try using a folded flat sheet underneath him to help turn him on his side. You use the sheet to turn and not push or pull on him. Try cleaning the "front" areas first and then roll to side to clean the bottom areas. Adult diapers with tape tabs on sides may be easier to apply and take off than pull-ups. You can also try placing absorbent pads underneath him (like huge puppy pads) to help keep sheets and clothing from getting soiled. Disposable wipes or a lot of warm, wet washcloths work to clean up any mess. Also see if he can get a larger sized bed so he has more roll room - it might help him to keep from feeling he is falling.
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Do you know what he is afraid of?
Is he afraid he is going to fall off the bed?
If so are you using a Hospital bed? If you are put the rail up on the one side you are going to roll him towards.
Before you begin, tear the tabs or sides of the brief.
Then if you are going to roll him on to the left side gather the sheet at his right shoulder and right hip and pull him towards you.
If you are going to roll him onto his left side take his right hand an bring it over and place it on the bed rail on the left side of the bed.
This is going to ease the rolling to the left.
Clean him then repeat the process to roll him to the right.
All the time you are doing this talk to him in a quiet calm voice explaining what you are doing and do so before you make a move so he can anticipate it. Even with dementia talking and explaining can calm someone simply because there is a calm voice and not someone just grabbing an arm a leg or rolling you back and forth.

If you need more help than this if this person is bed bound a Hoyer Lift might help. there are several different slings that can help. And with a Hoyer Lift there are straps that will lift just the lower portion of the body making a change easier (they are called Lavin Lift Straps)
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