
My sister is a diabetic & she has a problem holding her urine in her sleep.It started off as just the urine but now she cant hold her poop neither.I'm trying to figure out the cause of this & also the solution.Any suggestions??

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neurogenic bladder and bowel needs to go to doctor asap
Helpful Answer (6)

Yes go to doctor. There is a procedure which implants a device near base of sspine, and offers relief of the bladder problem, and sometimes the rectal too. Called Inter-Stim. It takes quite a few apppts with urologist and other evaluations, a trial of the device for a month and then they implant it permanently. It's like a pacemaker but for the bladder.
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Get her to the doctor.
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Because diabetes causes nerve damage, the 'signal's to eliminate may be suppressed to a degree that she's aware of when she's awake but not while asleep.
Helpful Answer (4)

At 1st glance, the post mentioned inability to hold urine at night....there are multiple causes, some mentioned in other posts. Didn't see about the poop, until into the post. That can be whole 'nuther issue. Best to get the Doctors to evaluate--might need to go through a few, to get better answers/solutions.
But check into these, and look up some information online, too, to prepare to help that process:
===DEFICIENT ANTIDIURETIC HORMONE: One cause for enuresis [spilling urine] which can affect anyone who's experienced high fevers from infections during their lifetime, and/or high stress life, etc.. This could be related to "adrenal burnout", not commonly thought of or looked at by Docs. --- Something the Adrenals handle: Antidiuretic hormone, secreted while we sleep. Damaged or 'tired' adrenals fail to secrete this properly, so production rate of urine stays at daytime rates while sleeping, causing person to have full bladder several times nightly. While sleeping, all muscles relax, usually; a full bladder can easily dump it's contents. This hormone can also be secreted in a dysfunctional pattern, which can contribute to enuresis at any time of the day or night. ---- There is a prescription antidiuretic hormone nasal spray one can use to help this, used at bedtime; usually prescribed by a urologist, but any Medical Doc can Rx this. -- One child-size patient I know, the parent actually put one squirt of that expensive liquid in a dropper bottle of distilled water, and gave a few drops under the tongue, instead of squirting up the nose --it worked, not only for compliance, but made it more affordable.
===BLADDER, URETHRA, VAGINA INFECTIONS: Yeast/Candida infections, and other germs, can be common, are often missed as causative for enuresis [inability to control urination]. -- Yeasts/Candida is infective and irritant on the linings of the urethra and bladder, as well as the vagina, and can spread easily from one location to another....and may not cause any itching or pain. One simple fix might be: Plain full-fat yogurt, like Mountain High [common grocery item], or other brand that has a wide variety of live cultures, on a peripad next to, or applied plain directly to, the area including the urethra, vagina and rectum [Berkeley Women's Clinic advice for women's yeast infections]--that might need reapplication daily for a few days, but usually not long.
===NEUROLOGIC ILLS: can cause the bladder and/or the rectum to become spastic or slack, or anything in between. The feeling of "gotta go" is so sudden and may be so strong IF they get a signal, it's too late to find/get to, a facility to use. This can happen any time of day or night. THESE conditions need evaluated...MS, Lupus, Diabetic neuropathies and others, can be evaluated and sometimes, solutions found, like that pacemaker for the bladder.
===ALLERGIES or SENSITIVITIES: consider if this is happening in certain patterns or seasons or, if the person has consumed certain things which might be allergenic or sensitizing, this might be evaluated. You could simply try removing the foods or drink that seem to be triggering it.
OR, it could be something like using a different soap or lotion on their bottom, or bathing with a perfumed product...those can be extremely irritant. If panties, or other cloth or paper used next to the bottom, is laundered using many standard laundry products, many people develop not only rashes, but spastic, painful, and/or numbed nerves controlling their 'nether-regions'. Some people react badly to many toilet paper brands, related to the bleaches or perfumes used to make them.
===MECHANICAL/LAXATIVE: One who normally eats low-fat diet, then celebrates by eating or drinking a high-fat food or drink, such as Homemade, High-fat Eggnog [or heavily Buttered toast, or?], can suddenly experience that "sinking feeling" as the stuff gets fast-tracked to the rear exit by the body's digestive tract.
Hope you learn what is causing it!
Losing control of one's effluent is terribly embarrassing. It's best to find cause, and try to do something to remedy it, if possible.
Helpful Answer (4)

Have you ever read the book "Don't sweat the small stuff?" I am not saying that losing urine at night is small stuff, but after dealing with the doctor, and you find that as one of the other comments regarding losing urine at night mentioned, it is due to health issue of nerve problems due to diabetic persons, one learns to cope with it. Be thankful that it is only at night!. One can use pads of necessary nature to catch the liquids and movements expelled at night. I realize it is not pleasant for individual dealing with the matter, nor those who love them. But we have to make adjustments in life almost daily in one avenue or another. My husband has congestive heart failure, diabetes, some short term memory working on him. He is now bed fast, cannot turn over in bed by self, nor sit up in bed by self. He now has lived in bed for over a year. My heart aches for him, when he say, I need to go to bathroom, and I will show him that his urine is going into a bag. He will then say, I mean for the others. I will have to gently, lovingly, explain to him, his condition, that his body is not cooperating with him to get out of bed. And explain once again to let it go into the pad under him, and I will take care of cleaning his skin for him to keep it fresh and not get any sores started. He is a fery kind individual, accepting what he must when explained to him. It is a heart breaking situation to see your loved ones have to endure things of this nature. For now, be thankful that it is only at night to deal with. Much love and hugs sent your way. joylee
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Is she drinking more liquid than usual? Diabetics can have high blood sugar that will spill into the urine and increase urine output.
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Boujeanbaby you have given excellent instruction for dealing with a non draining Foley ctheter but iIdo not feel this is something the average caregiver should attempt. I would advise calling the visiting nurse who changes his catheter.
An indwelling cather can be very irritating and cause spasms and encourage infections. If the caregiver has been properly instructed she can irrigate the catheter safely and this is a good first step before calling the nurse out. Checking for kinks in the tube and massaging any blockage is of course good advice and making sure the bag is not overfull.
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If her blood sugar is high, she may be thirsty and drinking a lot. This causes more frequent urination. If she has had diabetes for many years, and not well controlled, she can have neuropathy which can cause lack of control of bowel and bladder. Does she have burning,tingling or numb feet as this is another form of neuropathy which results from uncontrolled diabetes over the years. Also, if she is taking a medication like Invokanna or Farxiga, she could urinate more to lower blood sugar, as this is how these drugs work. Check with her doctor
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