
Dad-79 & mom is 77 - live in Florida. They need affordable, handicap accessible housing. They owe more than the motor home is worth. The bathroom floor is spongy and the toilet leaks. Not safe for them to live there anymore. Plan to move them back to Michigan, but need options in Florida until he gets his prosthesis.

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It would be best to contact the local social services agency in Florida and get some help from them.
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I live in FL in an area where there are lots of older folks. We have many AL places that with two ppl would be quite affordable. All have handicap ramps etc. You could then speak with the owners of the moble home park to see if there is any interest in taking the place off their hands. I know several ppl who have just turned over such trailers which the owners then rent out. Not ideal, but better than having to pay to haul it away if there is no value to it. If it is fixable and you could sell it at least you could recoup something otherwise. What part of FL are they in?
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Check with his lender about medical issues as well as inability to pay. FL may have some senior agencies which can help as well. Check the yellow pages (oh, am I dating myself), internet, other seniors, etc. Move them anyway, he can go into foreclosure.
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These answers are about a "mobile home" whereas your question seems to be about a "motor home". Do you been an RV, on wheels, and is he in an RV park? Some mobile home parks are owner owned, meaning they either own their own plot of land or they own a percentage of the entire park. I have not known that to be the case in an RV park. Is it right that he doesn't own an interest in the place where he parked his RV?

If that is the case, and it is an RV you're talking about, then what he would be doing is walking away from payments on a vehicle. What are the implications to his credit standing? Does his credit score matter any longer at his age? It sounds as if he's got some fairly substantial medical issues since he's had his leg amputated (cancer, diabetes?).

In whatever is his monthly financial status, would he be going into private pay AL or a MediCARE/MedicAID nursing home? Or maybe and income qualified HUD or section 8 unit. So, be aware for assisted living, even HUD or section 8, they can and often do you check a person's credit report and they can refuse residency if they want to with no governmental repercussions. If you're wanting to relocate your dad do a private pay place, you may want to do it before you notify any creditors that he will be walking away from the RV payments
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When defaulting on the RV, the creditor will most likely want to pick it up (just like a repossessed car) and the RV park owners/managers will want it gone too.

After the creditors have possession of it, expect them to try to recover the outstanding balance plus charges an interest etc. Depending on dads financial status, you may need to consult an attorney regarding bankruptcy. I believe no one but a taxing authority (such as the IRS) can attach unearned income (you'll need to verify that, don't take my word for it), if your father only has Social Security and/or pension, bankruptcies cost money to do and it may not be worth it. Legal advice may become a necessity.
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