
Mom is 91 years old, bedridden, and incontinent. She has been having secretions found on her diapers which is yellowish-green and appears to be coming vaginally. Out of concern, she was taken to the ER for a complete UTI workup and all test came back clear. NO UTI. It happened again and since the doctor didn't return a call, I drive into the doctors office with the diaper and the P-Stick. They didn't want to see it but put her on an antibiotic for 10 days and it cleared; but has returned. There are no other symptoms familiar to that of a UTI; but just curious if anyone else has seen this? She is clean and changed religiously and has a nurse who bathes and monitors. Nothing found on the internet as well. Thanks!

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I don’t know. Others may have an answer for you, so please stick around.

Hope your mom improves soon.
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UTI doesn't come from vagina. Can the doctor examine her?
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Make sure the doctors are ordering a culture... you may want to take mom to an Infectious Disease doctor to have a Urinalysis AND Culture performed. Some docs tend to skip the Culture portion.. I've been there with my mom as well. Good Luck.
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See is there are any urogynecologists in your area. Give them a call.
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Look to your diet or any supplements you may be taking: This color is usually a sign of an infection, but if you know you’re in the clear (as in it’s a one-off occurrence), what you eat could affect the color. Some people report this color change occurring whenever they take new vitamins or try certain foods.
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