
I'm not sure why but my mother goes from extremely hot to freezing in a matter of moments. So she'll call me to either come turn the ceiling fan on or off depending.

"I can't imagine how I can be about to smother half to death one minute and then absolutely freezing the next," she says at least seven times a day. Ack.

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”Today is my last dialysis treatment, right?”

Here are my responses, depending on my mood:
a. No, you have to do each week.
b. Yes! Just suck it up and get through today.
c. We can talk about it with the doctor

In the end, he always remembers he has to keep going, so why does he ask so often?

C___, C___, can you turn me over? Turn me over, please? C___. C____ ........ repeat

This was a code that may mean she needed repositioning, but it also sometimes just meant she needed something else she couldn't articulate - most of the gals at the nursing home never did figure that out. Writing about it still makes me shudder.

Every day it's the same; it's either 'boiling hot outside while sitting in the sun' or it's 'freezing cold outside' while walking around without a jacket or coat. Whatever you do, mother, do NOT get into the shade or put on a coat!

I am cold! I have a headache! Everyday, all day, day in & day out. She is cold even if it is 70 to 80 degrees. She has had a CT and a MRI...Drs didn't find anything abnormal.

Geez, don't remember but was something about whiskey. And she didn't even drink.🍺😲

"Where are you going later? I'll come with you."

Repeat at least 10 x each hour.

I don’t have my hearing aid in. Can you repeat that?

Then I say, please wear your hearing aid in. Then she finally does!

Mom is stuck on "I'm dieing of thirst" or "I'm starving to death". Usually when she still has half her food left or a full glass of water.

Oh I forgot the ever present "my butt hurts". This could mean anything after a rash or bedsore is discounted. But usually means give me a narco!

When my mother says the problem with her age is that people die off. That is always sadly obvious. It's hard to find an adequate reply. Mine has been that people can and do die at all ages. That there is a percentage in the elderly almost brings a comical thought although I am not forecasting any desired final exit en masse.

"People always compliment me on how I don't look my age!" Well, no mother, you don't look your age. You look at least 20 years older.

"People are always telling me I'm so well put together all the time" Ok, you go out twice a week and own more clothes than God, yet you're walking around here in a sleeveless 20 year old housedress and dragging your full catheter bag behind you.

"My doctor says all my numbers are great, I'll probably live 10 more years"

"It's tight," Mom used to say to any discomfort on moving; this happened several times each SNF visit. What was tight, Mom? The nightie? The braces that were to strengthen your legs so you could stand again, which didn't ever happen? I'm sure you didn't mean "it's tight" as in slang's "That's cool!"

Don't hate me, but I've just been running through a few of them -

Have you heard from [brother]?
People are horrible.
I thought you'd be cross with me [excuse for not using her call button]

- and thinking I wouldn't mind hearing any of them again, now. Don't it always seem to go...

Mostly, all of them. LOL. So repetitive.

“Someone put itching powder in my clothes.” (but no scratching or rash)
”I have a TERRIBLE headache.” as she was smiling while eating a chocolate chip cookie.

Both these statements were said multiple times per day (30+) for over 5 years. 😱

Let me tell you something...

What you need to do...
What you aught to do...
What you should be doing...

Ad nauseam, about everything. From the comfort of his know it all chair. Right down to how I should run the vacuum, never saw him touch one in all my life. Ugh!

Dad asks questions regarding anything from his medications to how to do something on the internet. I give him the correct answer and he constantly says, "well, I don't know about that". Yes, yes you do! I literally just gave you the answer.

I hate that phrase too if we just told them!

My mom always says "I'm ok,, I've got this, I"m fine" as she is doing something that is SO NOT any of the above. I tell her I'm putting that on her headstone! My dad always replied to everything with " I did not know that"...

Lately my mother has been on this kick that makes me want to run off a bridge...that's right--a bridge. I make dinner and we eat dinner and she will tell me, "honey, that was so good. I just love what you did with xyz. Then she says, do you know what you could do with xyz." I want to say, "do you know what you can do with it--with my sharp tongue." But I don't! I remind myself the book of James and tell the Lord help me to control my tongue. But if I keep biting it I won't have one left! Ugh!!!

Sometimes it can be hectic and it will drive you to the edge, but you have stay calm and reply with a smile as they did when you were younger. Also you can higher home care assistance in Amarillo, so that there will be someone with whom you can share your burden.


Speaking of food. If my mom gets constipated she will say, “Don’t give me any more cheese! I can’t use the bathroom!” Or if she gets diarrhea she will say, “Oh, no more fruit and vegetables because I had the runs!” Oh gosh, it’s always my fault because of what I feed her. Geeeez! Sometimes I want to tell her to cook herself. I know that she can’t. She’s 93! But I feel like telling her that. Haha.

Ha , I think too numerous but a few
“ my fingers are numb “ a hundred times a day
“ my nose is as cold as a witches titty “
“This room has everything but a Harley and a VCR and I don’t need those “
i wont put you through her one big fishing story but we hear it multiple times .
“ if you want to catch a fish you got to think like a fish “
about her dog - “ she never eats or she eats like a bird or I don’t have anything to feed her “ all day long

“ I hate this hole, guess I’ll just die here”
“ you ought to be ashamed of yourself for putting your mother in this dungeon “
” it’s ok , for a prison “

for the longest time she wanted to put her cold hands up my shirt no matter where we are - store , car ect

I could go on and on .....

and for the record before anyone comes back with how ideally I should be reacting - I let her speak , I
never tell her she just said that or keep your hands off me . I spend time with her and take her places and try to distract her and get her mind off her negativity when I’m with her . She’s at a great AL close to me and when I’m not around she has a great time playing corn hole , outings and sitting with her friends there and no offense to any witches with cold titties !
before the AL I was losing my mind and my patience with her . Now I can relax with her and actually kind of enjoy spending time with her even through her negativity with me . I’ve even taken her on a short overnight trip and survived !

MIL often starts sentences with "I know it sounds awful but . . . . " and proceeds to say something perfectly normal, not awful at all.

She's got a few more, I just (blessedly) can't remember them this morning ;) There's one I always threaten to put on her tombstone she says it so much, lol.

She also talks about the devil a lot - "That old Devil is my best friend, he's going to come take me" I shake my head and think to myself, "Honey, if I were as close to the end as you, I would SO not be joking about the devil!!"

Another favorite, when you catch her not wearing her alert pendant (ALL the time!) she tells you "Oh I don't need that, I'm not going to fall" - um, sure. I don't think she has ever had it on when she fell *sigh*.

My all time favorite though "I don't need hearing aids" -- the woman has been hard of hearing since I came on the scene, dating her son, 32 years ago!!

"Did you talk to anyone today?"

"Did you start your diet yet?"

That's what she says when I go to visit and sit down to talk with her ---- she looks me up and down and asked me about dieting, and, yes, I have gained weight, but it's hurtful to be asked.

"I'm so sick, sicker than I've ever been before. Come immediately and hold my hand. Nobody is helping me. You're my daughter. I need you. Now."

[she is not dying, and she calls and says this 3-4 times a week, always between 9 and 11:30 am, and she is always better a few hours later, and the nurses all tell me that they will let me know asap if she is in medical distress, and I live 45 minutes away ---- yes, I know, don't answer the phone.....but just answering the question from the OP:)]

So ridiculous. The comments they make and if we call them on it they get highly offended. Oh, but they feel validated in telling us whatever the hell they please.


Thanks for the giggle!


That is hysterical!

You know, it’s nice that mom loves me. In spite of the craziness I know that she does but it is a burden being someone’s whole world! She needs to be with others so she can at least pick up some new expressions! 😂 hahaha. Tired of hearing the same ones a million times over!

I hated it when Mom would say "we have to talk". It usually meant money and why she needed it at the AL. Which she didn't. Always was saying this or that person needed it for something. I would tell her their family will give them money.

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