Mom just had annual physical needed to stay in IL. She should have been in AL least a year ago but refused to go. The doctor said he cannot clear her to remain in IL because of her dementia which is so bad now she couldn't even answer simple questions like the month of the year. The IL facility just called and informed me she cannot stay but are willing to give me time to make arrangements. We're not telling Mom until the day she is to be moved. If she knows ahead of time she will freak out and make herself sick and obsess and drive everyone crazy. This is really horrible. I hate doing it this way, getting a room set up for her and then just telling her and putting her in the car and taking her to a new place. If only she wasn't beyond the point where she can be reasoned with and explaining anything - she will forget what I said in 5 minutes and half the time I think she doesn't comprehend what is said to her anyway. I hope the doctor will prescribe tranquilizers for the transition. Any suggestions?
I have a fear that those rooms will fill up. We already have a mat on the floor due to her rolling out of bed, and her chair alarm is being delivered today!! So recently, it has been one thing after another.
I wish you well, and good luck. It is hard not knowing if they will have to move due to their health. We never know what each day will bring.
My back up plan it to hire someone short term to go in if she requires more care than the aides and myself can give.
Keep us posted on everything!!!
If she had to pass a test about what day or year it is, she'd fail miserably (she has no short-term memory). But she's perfectly capable to be on her own. Good luck with getting your mom into AL.
Also perhaps look for NH for mom as well as AL. If mom is the noncompliant type and not much on being a team player, she may not be a good fit for an AL. Often AL in addition to their bring able to do their ADLs with minimal assistance also expect them to participate in social functions or group activities. You don't want to find yourself 3 months from now getting a letter stating that mom needs a higher or different level of care than what they provide & having to do this all over again. I moved my mom from IL to NH and totally bypassed the AL phase. It can be done but you are going to need an MD to work with you on this. For my mom, it was every 4 - 6 weeks of visits to a gerontologist and the appointment that she had a 10 % weight loss & a bad H&H lab result & changed her Exelon to patch delivery, he wrote the orders for skilled nursing needed. So she was good for NH admission & bypassed AL.
Btw the old IL was a tiered facility - went from IL to AL to NH & a hospice wing. Medicaid only for NH part. The medical director of it would not sign off for mom to be ok for NH. Even though her gerontologist hadvwritten orders. It was his opinion that mom was AL which was only private pay. He was adamant that no NH needed. I do think there was a profit motive in all this. Lots of "the AL is just a bit more than IL" & you have $$ and don't want your mom to be around those medicaid poor jabs by staff.
This has to be done. Please don't make it any harder than it has to be by second-guessing yourself or feeling guilty. You are doing the right thing. And it is Not Your Fault.