I am feeling better recently, and I am wary about trying Celexa, recommended by Dr. I have times when I forget names. I especially have problems with too many things at once. I had an accident the day prior to neuorological testing where I hit my head falling forward in a restaurant. I am keeping records regarding the accident and and the claim. Money is somewhat a problem since I am not working, but so far I am doing well. I will most likely move in with my partner, ( I have been staying with him since I was let go from the hospital job). There is some tension with the new living situation. I have insurance through Cobra. My daughter is 350 miles away and my son is in college, two hours away finishing his last quarter. My ex-husband has also been helpful. I want to stay as productive as possible. I have also been told that I may qualify for unemployment and possibly Disability. Any thoughts on my situation?
Just a few questions I don't understand. I don't think you can get unemployment if you were fired, but if you were layed off you could. For disability, you need plenty of records from your job why you couldn't do your job and a very very good doctor stating that you are disabled and can't do any type of work, that is what I had to do. I was turned down the first time, then had to get a lawyer, and finally got my disability, but took me 2 years, not saying it could take you! I believe it all depends on how many years you have put into SS to file??? Also, you say you have dementia syndrome, if it is an SYNDROME, SS won't cover it, I believe?? You just might need to speak to a SS lawyer to answer most of these questions, which you might be able to do for a 30 minute free consultation?
As for the claim, I didn't understand? Who's fault was it that you fell? Was the restaurant at fault or yours? Do you have a witness? Did you fall before you lost your job? Is this claim for a law suit or SS? It may not be a good idea for the lawsuit (You will need a lawyer and it could take years), but, any way, instead try spending your time trying to start your SS disability instead! It will take a very long time to get all your medical records from all your doctors and all the hospital visits, x-rays, MRI's, any physical therapy and a very good psychologist! I hope you let your doctors all know what is going on, so they kept records on you for the last couple of years! This has been going on for long time, right? Then, when all is done, with all the many many documentations have been collected you go before a judge who will decide under oath.
Also try to go to the library or look up on SS disability, all for free info.
I am not a lawyer, so I can't give any adive except good luck and God be with you!
As far as the fall, the restaurant definitely was to blame. They had placed a huge bolder right next to a table - my partner was sitting on the other side of the table- I was walking to get next to him and did not look down. I first hit my shin hard, then hit my left side of my head on the wall, then straight ahead into the wall, causing a cut on my forehead. The sensation was like a twisting whiplash. They gave me ice and I went to the emergency room, with no imaging (my choice). I am still being treated for the whiplash with my chiropractor and massage. If anyone else knows more about disability with dementia, I would appreciate your story. Carol in Oregon.
This is me again, Carolyn from Colorado! Glad to hear back from you!
I, too, had a whiplash, from a car accident, a very long story! Anyway I did have a law suit, and won, but only after I had found out what was causing my very severe pain! After many Doctors, 11 to be exact, many 6 MRI's, X-rays, Physical therapy for a very long time etccccc, I finally found out I had a jaw problem from the whip lash!! (TMJ) Had a special dentist a Maxifalliona (misspelled) perform surgery, my jaw disc was pushed out when the whiplash had happened and the jaw bone was scraping my skull, causing pain! I had metal plates with 4 screws on each side of my jaw, drilled into the skull. I can't get my mouth open to eat well, so 5 years later I had to have more jaw surgery done, and still can't open my mouth wide!!
I, too, had worked at a hospital as a Phlebotomist for 10 years! I had to keep working for five years after this car accident, because I was not legible for any SS disabilities or if I quit, no unemployment benefits either: according what my 2 lawyers had told me! I had tried! I studied up any everything! My job was killing me, being on my feet all day! My mental statis was extremely bad, with memory loss and severe headaches before the accident and after surgery, with pain all over my whole body!! My co-workers had treated me badly. I had to go on part time to work, and I still called in sick alot!!
Then I found out I had Fibromalgia Syndrome!! FMS! Look it up and TMJ
I was put on so many pills and it still didn't work too much! All my doctors' s said it is a Syndrome and it will not get me disability! So, with all my pain, brain fogs, memory loss, etccc I had to keep working and cry in silence! The only good thing about working was I had great insurance working in the hospital, so very very very very cheap!! I had every test done and many more times done over and over! I had changed doctors more than I can count!
After so many years of all the abuse and pain, I walked out, crying because my supervisor said I was not doing my job. Again, for the 4th time I checked into disability and unemployment with another lawyer and was told if I quit my job, no benefits and still no for SS.
I was on Cobra, but it ran out after only a 1 1/2 years. I did get married to my love one of many years and we had great insurance! I did see another doctor, an neurologist and on my new X-rays and more MRI's, I was finally diagnosed with a spine disease ( Degenerative Disc disease in my neck and lower spine), that didn't show up until many years later, which is how i got my SS disability! I am now 61, been 11 years now since I got my SS, still in a lot of pain and still see my 5 doctor's! I had my accident way back in 1992 and lived with pain ever since!
So long story, so sorry about that! What I am telling you, get your MRI's NOW, before Cobra runs out, see specialists, get your medical records, get xrays, see as many Dr's as you can NOW! Get a disability lawyer for free until your settlement of SS. You don't have much time when your Cobra will runs out???
Start looking up info on line, NOW!!! Find out what is causing your pain and brain fogs! You need a straight forward diagnosis from a doctor on paper, stating disabilty!! Get going and look up ever thing you can please!!!
Please, please start NOW!!!
God bless,
It sounds as if things can't get any worse, they can only get BETTER now. Keep a positive attitude and keep yourself very, very busy with volunteer work, crafts, etc. An idle mind is the devil's workshop. Keep that mind stimulated, with things such as reading and exercise. Exercise releases much needed endorphins from the brain.
Here is MORE info to look up that should help you!! But you really need to see a few specialits doctor's and test This web site that we are on has alot of info, which is where I got it from!! I am really trying very hard to get you help, because I care! My mother-law does have dementia and I do know alot about it!!
If you really have dementia and not dementia syndrome, the doctors just may take away your driving, due to memory loss and brain damage, plus it gets worse when your brain is destroyed! The judge just may appoint a guardianship to handle all your bills, checkbook and financial affairs. Have your will and power of attorney, because down the road you will forget! If you need to go to a nursing home, the state may take all your access, or you may go on Medicaid??? I don't know, so you need a real diagnoses and get better?
My hubby and I have been dealing with the last stages of dementia with my mother-law for many years now, so we learned the hard way. She is now in a nursing home and lost her home to the state. She had to give up her driving at age 65. so very hard on us!
The law that was cited at my hearing, was "there was a change in the work load/job description that was unfavorable to the employee". (we had increased the floor census, and had become a telemetry unit, which increased patient flow)
I can definitely understand how you felt in walking out in the midst of what appeared to be chaos. It seems that hospitals stretch their employees to the breaking point. I could feel my insides getting tighter and tighter as I was required to do more and learn more technology. I loved the patients, but as a respiratory therapist I found myself having to be at every birth, do outpatient testing such as heart monitoring and EKGs, running to the ER for codes and breathing treatments. What a lot of juggling. I would try to find someone to help out, but my department was only the manager and two other therapists on most days, and sometimes only two of us. I hope that my stress and feeling overwhelmed so much is due to stress and depression, rather than the diagnosis of Alzheimers. I will be seeing a counselor this week who will help my partner and myself. Thanks, everyone!
P.S.--Celexa helped me tremendously--Don't rule out medication out of fear--you can always stop taking them if they aren't helping.