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I would mention that Mom seems to be hallucinating at night. Maybe her med dose should be lowered.
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What about considering a Board and Care also known as Personal Care Home for seniors? They provided 24/7 staff and it is State regulated in most States.
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MargaretMcKen Jul 2022
Why would that help?
i don't have an answer for you but i do have the same issue with my mother. back when she was at home she'd have crazy stories too, once that someone was knocking on her window and trying to get in at night. her bedroom window is on the 2nd floor and there are plenty of first-floor windows any intruder could have used rather than the one that obviously has someone inside watching tv and would require a ladder to reach, but she insisted it happened. now in memory care she has claimed a few times that someone kicked her in the butt, but the person she described doesn't actually exist there. likewise she said some big fat man was yelling at her, but we actually think the person she described is dr. phil! which the group watches every afternoon in the common room. and there is no big fat guy at the nursing home, the only men employed there are slim. she has more harmless claims like that there are two swimming pools at the nursing home (there are none) but it's always difficult when the stories involve potential abuse. i don't know how to respond either but it always brings both worry and hope that it is a dream or hallucination.
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PatsyN Jul 2022
Had to laugh at Dr. Phil. 😻
My mother did this. I ignored it.

I hope you still aren't considering moving your mother in with you?
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SplitSecond Jul 2022
Thanks for your response. I am certainly inclined to ignore the latest tale of "abuse" but am wondering what I should say to her about it. I am a poor liar so she sees right through me when I say "I reported it and they are looking into it." Hopefully she will have forgotten about it in a day or two.

I am still struggling with whether to keep her in the NH but not really thinking of moving her in with us. I know that's not something I could handle, even with 24/7 help, and our house would require major work to make it safe for her. Her CCR informed me last week that they will not agree to have her move back into her independent living apartment, even with 24/7 care, so the only other option is to rent her an apartment somewhere near us. I know that would be very challenging, I know that it would not make her "happy," and I certainly see the pitfalls, but it is hard to come to terms with leaving her in a place where she is so desperately unhappy.

Thanks again for responding.
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