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It's been a long 11 years since my father's suicide. Family kept asking how he could leave Mom alone with her Alzheimer's. He didn't. He left her with me and I stepped into the job and began the learning journey. My sister died the same year and 10 years later my brother and his son died. Mom died a year ago. Several close friends died too. Going into this next year, I am going to try to see life through all the grief, rather than living in it. I know I am a different person from the care giving. I see people differently and while I thought I was compassionate before, now I feel so much more for others who are having hard times.

Happy New Year everyone and thank you for all your help.
Helpful Answer (13)
NeedHelpWithMom Dec 2022
Artist Daughter,

I am so sorry for all of your many losses. That is a lot to deal with throughout the years.

You sound wonderfully compassionate. I feel your warmth in your words.

I believe that you will work through your grief. You sound incredibly realistic to me and optimistic about your future.

I sincerely wish you the very best in this upcoming new year and beyond. Take care. Wishing you all of the peace in the world for you. Happy New Year 🎆 to you!
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NHWM: As a woman who is about to turn 76, I would like to keep things status quo in my efforts to help others with food insecurity by routinely stocking the local outdoor food pantry called the Caring Cupboard.
Many changes I put in place for my mother were underappreciated.
Helpful Answer (4)
NeedHelpWithMom Dec 2022
I love your attitude, Llama!

Happy New Year 🎆 to you!
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Be likely caregiving duties is like looking at a crystal ball. You never know what will happen next year or even in one second. Just take it one day at a time.

Happy New Year, Everyone!
Helpful Answer (6)
NeedHelpWithMom Dec 2022
Happy New Year to you!
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