THIS ISN'T SMALL STUFF: I feel almost guilty doing this post - because I know good things like this just don't happen. I don't really know how in the world this came about - guess the planets were aligned or something. But it happened.
There is so little really GOOD stuff happening for care givers - I know. But something happened that has given me a real lift! Nothing short of a MIRACLE, actually!
My MIL's sister moved into a fabulous (think very elegant) ALF and has asked my MIL to come and visit here there. She wasn't sure if that would be allowed - but she wanted her only sister to come out for a visit and she had planned to check on it and get back with my MIL.
Her memory isn't real good - so she may have forgotten :0) Because she didn't call back right away.
2 days later and still no word. So, my MIL asked me if I could give them a call and ask if she would be allowed to come and visit. So, I called. The person I spoke to said they would have to pass it by the director. She would call us back.
3 more days and the call finally came. Every single day my MIL asked me if I had heard anything from AZ yet. Finally the call came and IT WAS GOOD NEWS. Yes, she could visit and stay up to a month for the cost of meals ($15 per day). My MIL will be staying with her sister for 3 weeks in January in sunny AZ!! She will be able to erase almost a month of Midwest Winter off her calendar!
I am nearly beside myself with joy! I am so afraid I will wake up and find out it is just a dream.
At first my MIL was just about jumping up and down (IF SHE COULD jump up and down) at the prospect of this trip. Now that her airline ticket has been purchased - she has changed her mind. She doesn't want to go. No doubt because she knows how much my hubby and I WANT her to go :0)
My dear hubby stepped up to bat and told his mother that unless she was dead or hospitalized - she WAS going to AZ and she WAS going to have a great time too! Is he great or what?
I almost hated to post this - because I know so many have it so hard and never ever get a break of any kind - let alone three weeks. But, you know, it doesn't happen often that we are cut a break!
I have found that even spending a few hours at the thrift store does wonders for my spirits. But THREE WEEKS without having to fret and worry at all about my MIL? I can barely contain myself!! I am smiling again ..................
I hope you all have found something GOOD in your day - even something much smaller or simpler. Sometimes it is hard to find anything at all to be grateful for - but we need to keep looking. I know what it is like to feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel too - been there and done that. Most of the time it is the little things that I appreciate. Good coffee, on one and only best friend's emails, my hubby 'fielding' for me with his mother, by soft memory foam pillow, a Blue Moon with and big orange slice in it. We have to take joy is the small stuff because most of the time there are no big things like this one.
Just this morning, we drank our coffee outside and it was such a pleasant start to our day. Try it - you'll like it too :0)
Please forgive me for posting this. I wish I could giver every one of you 3 weeks off too. If wishes came true - you would get to share my good fortune.
If this bubble bursts - I am afraid my sanity will be splattered all over the floor!!!
Tonights laugh was "A Christmas Story" Red Ryder BB gun, this movie cracks me up, the universe is being good to me, Seinfeld and a couple of good movies and I feel lighter.
Truth is the opportunity arose for her to stay WITH HER SISTER at her sister's glorious/elegant ALF in AZ and we jumped at the chance for her to visit her sister, have some fun and be looked after in grand style and we will enjoy a nice long break.
Of course, she told me just today that her youngest and his family are coming for a 'short visit' in a few days - have no idea when - on their way home from ELSEWHERE - and he does not communicate with US about anything.
I think I have decided NOT to be home. Think I will go shopping or go have my nails done. She can entertain them and THEY can take her out to eat. They only stay a couple of hours anyway and usually come when we are not home. Gotta love em. :0(
They NEVER let us know they are coming. Last time they called a half hour ahead. They were on their way home from down South and thought they'd stop and see mom while she was in the hospital - they stayed 2 hours.
I have been able to do some work for the last few days on my website (which I have been trying to do for months now), because my father has not been hallucinating for 4 days now....woooohoooooooo. Also, it is nice to have him back for a while.
Thanksgiving Day Prayer
by Walter Rauschenbusch (1861–1918)
For the wide sky and the blessed sun,
For the salt sea and the running water,
For the everlasting hills
And the never-resting winds,
For trees and the common grass underfoot.
We thank you for our senses
By which we hear the songs of birds,
And see the splendor of the summer fields,
And taste of the autumn fruits,
And rejoice in the feel of the snow,
And smell the breath of the spring.
Grant us a heart wide open to all this beauty;
And save our souls from being so blind
That we pass unseeing
When even the common thornbush
Is aflame with your glory,
O God our creator,
Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.
Found on "dating god"