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I am both health and financial POA. I have tried to go to primary care appts but he refuses to let me go with him and I think his Doctor of 40+ years just gives him anything he wants. Yes there is more going on here with him but it may not be just dementia. He has serious problems with his back and takes lots of pain medication. I have spoken to his pain doctor about not allowing him to have both 100 mcg fentanyl and letting his primary care dr prescribe norco at the same time. When he was taking both and still driving he was really bad. I guess the only thing he has is his business, that is the only thing that at one time he was actually good at, so if we take this away, he will have nothing.
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Hoping that he gets lost? You cannot be serious! You need to take charge now, tell him he can no longer drive by himself or have contact with the customers. You don't say what type of business this is, but maybe you should consider retiring yourself. He wants to go somewhere during the day, and that is a good thing. Substitute a city recreational program for him, but you drive him. His doctor can be consulted regarding his angry outbursts, but take charge now and do not wait for him to kill himself or someone else driving.
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When you say you are his POA, is that both his financial POA and his health POA? You seem to be skirting the issue that he may have dementia of some sort. It certainly sounds like it to me. If you don't have health POA, you'd better get it. Then you need to start attending doctors appointment with him. Then you need to find a way to get him evaluated. Stupidity and bad business sense is not all that's going on here.

A good home test for memory deficit is what I call Vehicle-Color-Fruit. Just have a good casual conversation with him, telling you heard about this joking you want to ask in the question, then say for example Taxi, Blue, Apple and tell him you're going to ask him to repeat that in a couple of minutes. Do something distracting for a couple of minutes, then ask him to repeat the words. If he can't, there is some indication of memory impairment. Some memory impairment is not dementia and can be corrected nutritionally or hormonally in the early stages, so it there's getting a handle on as soon as possible.

Please keep posting...
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Tell his lawyers that you no longer want the responsibility of being his POA and tell them why.
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You need an attorney for your own protection.
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This is what is stressing me out. I need $8,000 per week to pay all the his bills, the companies bills and payroll. Today I have $1,500 in the bank and he's trying to buy more things to sell. When I tell him this he wants me to fund the business by taking out more loans. It's like he's obsessed. He MUST BUY NOW. He has no money in the bank. This is the biggest part of my stress.
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momo .. you do not have to be his POA. If he is stressing you out so much that it is affecting your health, you should give him an ultimatum.
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No wife no children. Partners have separate fiscal accounts so they will not interfere or argue with him either. He set himself up to be the dominate guy and has meek partners. Have spoken to the corporate attorney and I was told by him that stupidity and bad business sense was not a criteria for declaring someone incompetent and unable to care for themselves. He has no wife and children that is why I'm stuck being his POA. He does have a much younger girlfriend who is also bleeding him dry.
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He is too used to being the boss to have us work around him. He thinks he knows the right way to do everything. For example, I have been trying to teach him how to get on the internet for 15 years now. It is like my training goes into a black hole in his head and he is never able to retrieve it. He walked into the office yesterday and asked me to show him how to buy items on ebay at a cheaper price than market price so he could resell them at retail. For someone cannot remember how to turn on his computer EVERY SINGLE TIME I HAVE TAUGHT THEM FOR 15 YEARS, this is like saying I am going to win the olympic medal for downhill skiing next year. He does not have even basic typing skills, or the experience of using a search engine. At the same time he has an incredibly inflated opinion of his current abilities so it is an arguement every time.
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His partners, not you, are the ones to make the decision about the management of the company, by the way. Go talk to them. Talk to your corporate attorney as well.

"Recast" your uncle and give him responsibilities that remove him from any fiscal responsibility. Perhaps he just works in the front office.

Does he have a wife or children? Send him on a long and extended holiday.
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As difficult as it would be, I would tell him that you don't feel that you can continue to fulfill your duties as his Power of Attorney when he refuses to listen to your advice and suggestions. Tell him you do not want to jeopardise your family relationship with him. Then give him some time to think about what you have said and see if he reconsiders.
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Could you and the partners use some imagination and come up with a way for your uncle to continue working without being in a position to do so much harm?
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