
Last night a miracle happened. Mom actually admitted she has a hearing problem and wants me to look into hearing aids. Can anyone recommend an reasonably priced hearing aid (that works).

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My Dh bit the bullet and got hearing aids this year (glory, hallelujah!!!) He went to an accredited audiologist and wound up with the Mercedes Benz of aids. He doesn't adore them, but he wears them and is much more engaged in life.

He had been told 30 yrs ago that his hearing loss was due to an infection and and that he couldn't be helped. Truth was, he just had your basic age related hearing loss and both ears are just 'old'.

They were super pricey, I admit, but he has Bluetooth capability and they sit easily in the charger, no batteries to be replaced until the company does it.

They are so tiny you cannot see them in his ears and he likes that he can stream music and audiobooks and TV right into his ears.

And I have adapted by making sure when I talk to him, he is looking at me--he's still in the 'new' stage of using them.

DH's are sold by a private company, hence the cost. My next door neighbor got his at Costco for about 1/3rd the price and he says they're perfectly fine.
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cwillie Jul 2019
I've also heard that Costco is a good place to get hearing aids.
Although I think Bluetooth is a great option it isn't really necessary for most older users, especially if you aren't techie enough to link devices.
IMO using cheaper HAs for hearing loss is like using drug store reading glasses for vision difficulties, they work great for some but only if the hearing loss is pretty superficial, and all the problems that cause people to abandon their hearing aids are going to be worse in a device that isn't properly fitted and doesn't include at least some of the technology that has been developed to counteract them.

One bit of practical advice I'll offer: remember that the smaller the device the smaller the battery, which means it will need to be changed more often (= more $$) and it is harder for old eyes and fingers to accomplish.
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JoAnn29 Jul 2019
Its hard for elderly to put those batteries in at all. Shaking and arthritis doesn't help. Those #13 batteries last 72 hrs I think my husband said. They are the smallest. I haven't seen the newer aides with the bigger ones he used to use. Maybe find one that recharges.

I agree that a good exam and fitting is the best thing. But its also a waste of at least 4k (because they fit both sides now) if the person choses not to wear them. Which people this womans age are likely to do. Me personally, can't stand earbuds. Not sure I would take well to a mold in my year.
I agree with sailor. It all depends on the hearing loss. My DHs loss is from an accident as a child. Bone and nerve damage. All volume does for him is make sound louder but the words are still not distinctive. He does not do well with digitals.

First thing I would do is check Mom for wax. Hardened wax in the ears can cause hearing problems. You can try over the counter aids but make the simple. Turn on turn off, volume up and down. I hear the ones that look like the old transistor radios are back. My DH used one of these and at the time it worked for him. He even used an "as seen on tv" one years back when his aide died. Neither could he use now.

When Mom got her first aides (which I still have) a little wire went in her ear instead of the ear mold. She didn't like that and went to the mold but kept pulling it out by the tube and broke it. And about the mold, the person has to realize its not fit correctly so an adjustment can be made. My DH pays about 2k for one aide.
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Hearing aids are prscribed based on two things. Frequency lost or diminished and volume required to aid in hearing.
The prescribed aids should match as closely as possible to what frequency has been reduced and how much volume is required to improve reception.
An audiologist would be best if the loss is more than just a slight loss.
You can try the different aids available in stores to see what may help.
Hearing aids are more than simple amplifier of sounds.
My hearing is in the severe range, so for me nothing sold over the counter will not help.
Your Mom may be one of the lucky ones that can use the over the counter aids.
I have seen stores in shopping centers but I cannot remember the names (I claim senior moment). I wish you luck.
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