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Bint, does your mom take Lasix, aka a water pill, or meds for High Blood Pressure that include HCTZ? If so, experiment with moving that pill to earlier or later.
Helpful Answer (3)

BintUmi, contact the rental office and tell them the situation. The rental office may be agreeable with putting up some type of sound barrier in that bedroom, they will do the work so that you don't need to take it down once it is time to move.

I use to manage my own rental properties and also managed a commercial office building. Anything reasonable was approved and usually left for the next tenant to benefit from.
Helpful Answer (1)
PeggySue2020 Aug 2022
Finally a rational response here. Yes please get the landlord involved. It is the only way to be up and up.
Maybe find a bigger unit or two bedroom?
Would be cheaper (much) than MC or assisted living.

My uncle, when I was a child, had WW2 nightmares, so many must moan or scream. Are there other Depends style
you could try. Even the wetness causes itchiness or pain.

Luck to you.
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Just unfollowed this tread.

OP is more emboldened now that she has a friend in the rental office who backs her and her screaming mother up, basically giving the middle finger to the neighbors.

"My mother can shout and scream all she wants in the dead of night, and you can just suck it."

Inconsiderate, rude, and selfish.

OP, may you have many years and decades of diaper changing in the dead of nights.


p.s. I hope the neighbors will sue the owner for all the moving costs, and any differential in rental expense between the current and the new place.
Helpful Answer (9)

I am in utter shock that you Bint, can think negatively impinging on anyone's space, that they pay for, is acceptable.

I think that fair housing laws will soon see your "friend" fired and possibly sued. With you as a named defendant.

I think you should be completely ashamed of your selfishness in this matter. You definitely know how to make enemies with your entitled attitude.

Who thinks that anyone should willingly, with a smile, put up with being jarred awake by screaming for a half hour nightly?
Helpful Answer (8)
PeggySue2020 Aug 2022
ISRR, if the friend was acting as a representative of the landlord, it may well be the landlords perogative. Stupid of him, but I’ve had landlords put up with all sorts of partying on down to having peoples broken meth and crack pipes around.

I mean, these days San Francisco allows all this.
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I read your post about Mom not peeing all day and releasing it at night. IMO, not peeing all day is a problem and a UTI is more likely than if she is left wet all night. I think her not going all day is a problem and should be mentioned to the doctor. Seems she can hold it but then when she is relaxed sleeping she can't.

Can't find the response and some mentioned Lasix water pills. Is Mom on this?

I think your office friend maybe mixing up "medical" condition and the Disabilities Act. Dementia is not a disability. I have to agree that when this person rented, he should have been told about the neighbor. Since he wasn't, he does have a good cause to sue the Landlord.

I know some of us may seem a little harsh in their responses but your neighbor does not have to be sympathetic to your problem. Mom may be becoming more than u can handle and u may have to place her. Maybe reread the responses and write down the suggestions and see what ones you can use. Really, its up to u to solve this problem.
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OP appears to have disabled account. Troll?
Helpful Answer (3)
lealonnie1 Aug 2022
I know you can 'disable' your account in settings by preventing others from leaving messages or seeing what you've posted w/o being a troll, per se. It's a way to not be bothered by people leaving you rude messages and/or following your previous posts. Is that what you mean by 'disabled account'?
I wasn't suggesting that the fact that the OP turned off certain features as being " proof" of trolldom.

I start to suspect trolling when previous intelligent posters start screaming at each other and acting like 13 year old mean girls. It's what trolls thrive on.

It cheapens this site.
Helpful Answer (5)
lealonnie1 Aug 2022
Ah, gotcha.
Read your tenant rental agreement. Look for quiet hours and such. It might indicate options or what may happen if the situation escalates.
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some of you here have nothing to do but post harsh and rude messages. How do you even consider yourself a caregiver if you can easily hurt another with your words. Time for me to exit this website. It is not what it used to can say all you want to say without attacking.
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