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I have to agree, you moved into her house. If I was her, you would not have moved in with 3 dogs. Sorry, this is a situation that you made. You need to move out.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to JoAnn29

Please get a life and move out of your ex-husbands house. This is a situation that you have the power to change. But it sounds like you probably won't since you are confused about what to do about a insane dementia riddled ex-MIL who abuses and threatens your dogs and is constantly nasty to be around.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to sp196902
Sskye2160 May 16, 2024
First of all I don’t know if she has dementia. That was my question. Secondly, you are missing so much information and to assume you know it all and tell me to get a life? Are you kidding? I want to know how to keep her and my dogs safe and if this is dementia what do I do about it?
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I would not put up with a dog "playing chase" with my cat (or my dogs). The fact that they are VERY large dogs you need to control them, train them. (there was a large dog "play chase" with my mini doxie and the large dog landed on my dog and broke her tail. that was an expensive game of "chase")
YOU are living in HER home.
You need to respect that.
If you think there is even a slight chance that she would hit, threaten, harm your dogs in any way then you do not let them out unless you are WITH them.
If you think your dogs could "retaliate" you need to crate them when you are not there to supervise them. If they did "retaliate" there is no doubt that they would probably be put down by police.
You need to move.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Grandma1954
Sskye2160 May 16, 2024
Playing chase meaning the cats will peek around the corner at one of them and meow then run. This will cause the dog to drop everything and go to that spot. The cat is then waiting a little further and taunts the dog again. I swear it’s not mean in any way, they both enjoy it. They never growl hiss or lash out at each other. The problem is when one dog goes, the other follows and it’s a little bit of a chaotic noise. That’s what my MIL doesn’t like. If there was carpet she probably wouldn’t even notice, but they all slide around on the wood floor.
She lives with my ex. This is his house.
This is your EX-MIL? Why are you still living there????

While I am in no means defending her actions towards your animals, maybe she behaves this way because she wants you to leave, and this is cheaper than an eviction proceeding? Because if my son were to get married, move into my home with his wife and then get divorced, I wouldn't be thrilled with my ex-DIL still living in my home, especially if my son was still there as well!

You need to move out, like yesterday. For more reasons than I can even list!
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to notgoodenough

I cannot fathom living in such an uncomfortable environment for everyone involved. Seems both sides aren’t happy. Someone needs to move
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to Daughterof1930

I would keep my dogs away from her. It is your responsibility to ensure your animals are not impinging on anyone's space. There is no justification that four years later and your dogs don't know to leave her alone, that's on you. Be a responsible dog owner and train your dogs to stay away from other people or they will do what they need to do to stop your dogs from being up their business.

By the way, where I live, if your dog retaliated, they would be put down and you would be prosecuted for her injuries, because you are the legal owner and therefore legally responsible for their actions.

Move out and train your dogs.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Isthisrealyreal
Sskye2160 May 16, 2024
My dogs are trained. They don’t do anything to warrant her actions. Following behind someone as they come in the door isn’t impinging on their space!
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Nothing good will come with living with this woman . You are in her home and she has dementia according to your profile . This will only get worse , she has no filter anymore.
She may feel threatened by large dogs .
I don’t like large dogs coming near me .

Move out , get a roommate who likes large dogs to help you with rent if needed.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to waytomisery

There isn't Much you can do . You are in her House . Hopefully at some Point you can Move out . Maybe give the dogs away if you feel she May hit them or they will retaliate against her . Nothing is going to change .
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to KNance72

Moving out is easier said than done
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to MAYDAY
MargaretMcKen May 16, 2024
Living with this is also 'easier said than done'.
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You are living in the same house with your ex, your ex-mother-in-law, multiple cats and dogs, and MIL's handicapped son (is this your ex?). Are you all nuts? Why don't you move out?
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to MargaretMcKen
olddude May 16, 2024
Some people love it when their life is a living hell.
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