
My Mom is bed fast and has dementia.  I use both clear and skin colored bandages. She just came out of the hospital with her whole arm red and swollen from infection. She is a constant picker. She has picked and unraveled her sweaters that she wears. I have wrote on a bandage do not remove and she still picked it off. She only wears dresses and sweaters. She has picked 4 bandages off in the last 12 hours. I really thought the clear skin tight bandage that the hospital put on her would stay on but it didn't. She has pulled 5 catheters and 5 ivs out. I'm hopeless!

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Coyton gloves, maybe? Be sure her nails are short. Maybe you can by her rolls of yarn? Show her how she can unravel the yarn- how about dried elmers glue on a piece of plastic? Candle wax of different colors? Maybe its the act of picking and you would turn her fetish to pick something more fun. Join in!
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One thing you can do is trim her fingernails right down to below the tips of her fingers -- this may work because she won't have any fingernails to slide under the edges of the bandages.
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That's a tough situation. I hope you get some good tips here. I think I might try to get her to wear the onsies that have long sleeves. They open in the back and prevent the patient from being able to take them off unassisted. Perhaps there are some that have long sleeves that she could not push up and it would protect her arms from being picked at until they can heal.

I might also suggest that you discuss anti-anxiety medication. My cousin constantly picks her nails and bites them down to the nub when she is not on Cymbalta. When on this med, she doesn't do it at all! It makes a huge difference with her.

Sadly, wrappings, bandages, tape, etc. never worked with her even a little bit.
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