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What you may want to do a meeting with the man, your mom, and your aunt to get to the bottom of this. This is the best way to find out what's really going on. See if your mom wants this man there, and if she does then you should leave the situation alone as long as he's there to help your mom as indicated. If the man is really there to help with feeding your mom, then definitely let him if he really is there to actually help and he's actually doing what he agreed. If he happens to be a friend of your mom, you definitely don't want to separate friends, this is a time when your mom most needs him around. Next thing we want to do is check yourself to see why you don't like this man. This is done by doing some very serious soul-searching on your part, because wrongful judgment against someone you don't even know is exactly what's wrong with this world. After doing some very serious soul-searching, you never know that you might not have discovered that the problem is within you and not that man. It's very easy for anyone to judge someone we don't know and to try to push them away when they may really be our dearest friends in disguise. This is just something to consider before taking any action against that man. One more smart move to make is to ask the nursing home staff if man really is helping to feed your mom. If he is, then he really is doing what he came to do, and he should therefore be left alone as long as he's there with legitimately good intentions. I hope you will consider all of this during this time, because everyone should be given the benefit of the doubt until proven guilty he, and yes I said 'proven' guilty.
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Ask someone in charge at the nursing home what you need to do to have this person barred from seeing your mother. If that doesn't work, consult an eldercare lawyer if you can afford it. Be sure to tell the person at the nursing home that your mother will be placed on hospice care soon. Tell the hospice social worker about your feelings about this man. The hospice social worker is supposed to work with you as well as with your mother. My late husband was on hospice care. Hospice was very helpful to me.
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Are you concerned that your aunt has sent this man in an attempt to get access to your mother's assets?
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I don't understand what you not liking your aunt has to do with you not liking this man. Are you under the impression he is eating your mom's food? I don't understand your objections to him.
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Do you have POA for your mom? If so you may dictate who can visit and who cannot. You said this man comes to visit - do you even know his name? Ask the staff if she seems to like his visits or not, or what their impressions are of him. If you mom is of sound mind and does not want him to come all she has to do is speak up. If she likes his visits, then I think you have to abide by her wishes. I agree with your aunt - I am sure your mom's care is not adequate. I have spent many hours in my mom's nursing home and trust me no one is getting the care they deserve.
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It doesn't make any difference at all that you don't like this guy.

What's best for mom?
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What does your Mom say or if she cannot speak does she indicate she doesn't want him there? Unless this man is totally disrupting your Mom, I see no reason why he can't be there to help feed your Mom. Just surprised your Mom's sister isn't there herself to help with her sister at meal time.
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