
I know this is a strange question but my dad seems to have to use the bedside toilet as soon as I get there. I'm not saying he only does it when I'm there but it is strange because I will get there and 5 or ten minutes later he has to call the nurse for help in getting on the bedside. He sometimes does this multiple times while I'm there and I noticed that he sometimes glares at me while he does. I tried searching for info here but could not find anything.

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Why on earth do you not leave the room? This is about dignity and having someone watch is awkward at best, gosh, no wonder he glares at you.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Isthisrealyreal

Do you sense that he is anxious when he sees you, which could bring about what you describe?

If I were you, I would leave the room when he's on the commode. Nurse shows up, you go for a walk.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Fawnby
faithfulbeauty May 9, 2024
I usually do but then he asks where I'm going like he is offended that I get up to leave.
He's looking for attention, this is one way to get it.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to cover9339

I have no doubt it’s because you are there and I guess he feels “safer”
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Southernwaver
faithfulbeauty May 9, 2024
I thought about that too.
My mom had a phobia about not being near a bathroom when she needed one.

She would go to the bathroom before leaving the house for doctor appointments, hair appointments, etc.

As soon as we arrived, she would look for the nearest bathroom. She was losing control over being able to control when she went to the bathroom.

Mom must have urinated a bazillion times a day! Her bowel movements went back and forth between normal, constipation and diarrhea.

I learned to get her to appointments early because if I didn’t, they would inevitably call her name when she was in the bathroom.

Our physical bodies change as we age and we don’t have the control over our bodily functions like we used to.

Mom ended up using Depends. The Poise pads were no longer as effective for her.

Wishing you and your dad well.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to NeedHelpWithMom

I am clueless on this one.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer
faithfulbeauty May 9, 2024
My dad did the same thing. Whenever anyone came over he had to go to the bathroom. He would stay in there for an exorbitant about of time. In hindsight, I know he was using it as an avoidance tactic.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to overwhelmed21
faithfulbeauty May 9, 2024
@overwhelmed21, I can understand that too. My dad does not go in the bathroom to do it, his bedside commode is next to the bed and he seems to want to use numerous times while I'm in the room.
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