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Give them the check. Will your good friend take care of Mom if the NH won't?
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Through the court, I am already my mom's legal "guardian of the person" and my mom was ruled incompetent because of her dementia. I just took that paperwork to the social security office, and they processed the paperwork for me to be my mom's representative payee. They just informed me to open up a new bank account in my mom's name with my name on it as her representative payee. For the month of September, they cut a paper social security check and sent it to my house. For the month of October, and the months beyond that, her social security check will be sent to the new bank account via direct deposit. The reason I asked this question in the first place is because her NH wants me to take ALL of her upcoming check next week and turn it over to them, and they want to be placed as her new representative payee through social security--that's NOT gonna happen, if I have any say about it. My mom has a pending Medicaid application, and I know once that process has started, it can take up to 3 months or so for that process to be completed and I know they can't kick her out during that time. So, while that process is going on, I will make payments to the nursing home for her care--but I will NOT give them her entire check. I've researched this thoroughly online through many websites and found out that is is actually ILLEGAL for a NH to become a resident's representative payee--BUT, many NH's do it behind the resident's and family member's backs. I found out that as long as I am making "good faith" payments to the NH, my mom is ok and will not be kicked out. I would rather pay them $400-$500 per month than give up her entire check. Winter is coming, and my mom also needs a new winter coat and some other articles of clothing, and I will use her check to buy those things. Thank you everyone for your responses and I will keep you posted on things as they progress in this situation.
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My sister is in a group home, they take all of her check except $30 a month for personal needs. If you are guardian of the person, who is guardian of the property?
Who files annual financial reports with the courts?
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I know your pain and frustration! I'm in SC and dealt with LBD with my father, who passed away Dec. 31, 2012. Get Hospice involved! It's the one thing we say we wish we would have known to do earlier. Because LBD is basically a terminal illness, she should qualify with no problem. We did find out that there are 2 types of hospices (as well as nursing homes): for profit and non profit. Go with non profit if there is one in your area. The non profits place more importance on patient care, where the for profits are more concerned with their "bottom line". I hope this helps.
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