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Grace how selfish & mean. I would not want you as my caregiver. My dad pays for his own room and board at the home. My brother who is power of attorney for my dad doesn't want him to have a phone in his room because he doesn't want me to call him and because he is selfish just like you. My dad`s want`s a phone. He can afford it. One way or another, a phone is the connection with the outside word and every senior in a home should have one, whether they can afford one or not.
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Grace, those elders paid into the system I would imagine.. I know I sure am everytime I look at my paycheck...
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GraceH, Shame on you. Believe me, the elders in these nursing homes have paid dearly . You should visit them and then you would not be so mean spirited. Remember, you may be old, helpless, and need help someday.
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so the taxpayers not only have to provide food, shelter, aides, doctor visits, medicines, shampoo, toothpaste, arts/entertainment, public libraries, transportation, but also a free cellphone?
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My mother texts and likes to get pictures texted, etc. I can't imagine her not having a phone. Since the NH is only allowing $40 a month for her personal expenses we've decided to add her to our family plan.
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Mthr was calling me every few minutes when she had a phone. She did not remember calling me just before. We decided to let her use only the landline provided for residents. She did use that several times by herself, but the same thing happened - she did not recall calling 5 mins before. Once she forgot where the resident phone was, we were all happier. The staff gives her the wireless phone when I want to call to her or when she asks to call home, and that limits the unneeded interruptions.
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My mom has a land line phone on her nightstand at nh. The aides dial for her if she needs to call us. Why would she need a cell phone?
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Don't nh's have landline phones available?
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I also suggest Safelink.
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Check out this website: safelinkwireless/Enrollment/Safelink/en/Public/NewHome.html
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