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I am worried that the staff thinks an elder laying on a hard, unsanitary floor is normal. No it isn't desirable and it is a long way from him sleeping in a recliner for a nap to sleeping on the floor. It sounds like they want him in an open area where they can "watch him" from a nursing station without having to check on him in his room etc.
I would keep an eye on the level of his care, I suspect this is not a great nursing home.
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Ok this is wrong from all aspects..I can understand the couch, chairs, etc..but the floor? Ah no..sorry I used to see that when working and usually it was due to their meds suddenly kicking in..but no not all have to say something to the staff,the if he laid down and refused to move, that is another story..but no not all what disturbs me more is the staff not doing something about is wrong from all levels..please say something..don't be hesitant.. take care
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My dad loved to nap on the carpeted floor of his bedroom at home and as a teen I frequently slept on the floor in my room by choice (although my hubby says it was because my bed was acting as my closet). Maybe your dad simply likes sleeping on the floor. Maybe his bed isn't that comfortable.

Unsanitary conditions aside (as well as potential safety issues), maybe this is OK for him to do.
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Whether or not the floor has thick cushioned carpet or a folding foam bed, sleeping on the floor is not an option. In our facility, we make sure residents are comfortable sleeping (at night on bed) or napping in their respective room or in common areas (especially, while watching TV). Move him out of the present care facility into another one with a policy of not allowing residents to sleep on the floor.
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I'm thinking of a great uncle who chose to sleep on the floor when company came and there weren't enough beds. Perhaps he wanted to be near where there were people nearby and he wouldn't feel lonely. After all, you said he'd only been there a short time. Just a thought.
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BIG red flag....they are a lazy facility. One who has worked in both in home and resident should ever be left on the floor for any reason. Break down of society is hitting ever where. Unless they have there own chair on wheels or otherwise it is a health concern by passing flu, colds, pink eye etc. How long has this facility been under current ownership and management? If u r on fb ask your friend network what they may have heard of the NH. Ask other people that r in ur position...most that care change facilities at least once to another. If rest is needed their old bones should be made comfortable by napping in their beds....but as u can imagine this takes time and effort. Pay attention to how clean they are being kept and how often their Depends are being changed...bed sores, lesions and bruises. This can lead to a multitude of issues. HYDRATRION...a biggie...more residence go to the hospital because of this and can lead to death then any other reason. Your father should have clean fresh water or juice available to him at ALL times. Most times medication dries out the body and should be encouraged to drink. You may want to consider one on one care back in his home with ur mom. It isn't as expensive as one my think and could be more economical then the monthly NH bill. There are a lot of freelance CNA's and healthcare workers that love one on one work. Angie's List, local paper ads including your own, ask friends and neighbors, local homecare services, and online resources. A NH may not be for your family. Also your state my provide additional help depending on assets and income. They can provide help as well with a day or two in a daycare facility to get them out and about. Bottom line...If you are already questioning the capability of what is occurring in such a short time....BIG RED FLAG.
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My husband has dementia...he is like a kid..he gets into mischief....I still try to treat him like a help with chores, wash dished and do laundry..and keep things NORMAL...but he will HIDE clothes...he will use only 1 inch of water in the sink ..if I say something he will let the water run and over flow on the floor...when we work outside...I now use a mixture of salt, vinegar and soap and water for he cannot hurt himself with poisons...and this does KILL the weeds , I cut grass and point out to HIM where I need the weed killer...and I will see him spraying the flowers..I tell him..this is your property own it..we worked hard to grow shouldn't spay them..he said I DID N"T...I say I saw you...he said you are seeing things...I said tomorrow when they are withering..even GOD will see you are lying..I ask why do you want to Hurt the house you own and live in and the property...he said cause I am hot and tired and I don't want to work...and he went out to the porch swing hooked to the oak tree and went as far back as he could and let her go...and he sat on the swing and played like an 8 year old....this is only a lil of what I go threw...
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NO, IT'S NOT OKAY!!!! He SHOULDN'T have been in the floor 2 begin with!! WHY would he be in the floor???? You NEED 2 speak with the administrator&file a complaint!
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I just feel it important to point out to all those giving stories to justify an elderly sleeping on the floor because elderly do these kinds of things- your missing the biggest factor- this is a PUBLIC facility frequented by unknown persons- germs that are deadly are of concern- even pseudomonus type of bacteria that can be picked up from animal feces on the bottom of shoes- super bugs. I don't care if you want an elderly parent to sleep on your floor- but a public place where many people from all walks of life come into- even in private rooms you have staff. Its an uncontrolled environment and if they allow this- it so speaks volumes of their over all disrespect of aging humans.
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Thanks for pointing out the fact that it is disrespectful to our aging to allow sleeping on a floor in a public place. I recall when my siblings and I were very young - one of the first things to NOT do in public areas was lay on the floor. If it's unsafe and unsanitary for little ones, it applies to elderly as well. Both are vulnerable and depend upon the rest of us to protect them when possible.
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there are so many homes which provides excellent for retired people in old age homes. One of the best old age home is Apnacare.
For details :
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