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Thanks to you too babalou!
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But even if she falls and breaks a leg and goes to a SNF for rehab I think she can still refuse to consent to permanently stay. POA doesn't work if she can speak for herself. Can't afford guardianship. And then I have to take care of the extra precautions and follow up appts, etc. I love my mom and she isn't mean. Can be manipulative sometimes.
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I meant chipped vertebrea.
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Thanks ashlynne. My mom did have a fall that resulted in a chopped #2 vertebrea. Stayed at a rehab unit of an SNF but they still sent her home in a neck brace based on physical evaluations and a home eval even though it's a 2 story unit that she has to go up and down a few times a day. I took time away from work to help her then flew my brother out from Florida to help while i went back to work and stayed at my girlfriends house so he could have my bedroom (2 bdrm unit) Now he says he can't do it anymore. There was a time that I was so proud to tell people that mom and I live together because I'm trying to keep her out of a nursing home. Today I quit my job and probably lost my wonderful girlfriend because I have to take care of my mom. She wont consent although i am going to keep trying to talk her into it. Its going to be rough financially and otherwise. Starting to feel depressed already. Thanks again ashlynne
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Ashlynne is right. Sometimes you have to step back and let the "bad thing" happen for things to get taken care of.
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It's usually a major fall that necessitates entrance to a nursing home. My mother refused to use her rolling walker in the house and got about holding on to the walls and furniture. She fell frequently and I could get her up if she co-operated. Eventually she fell one evening and I got her up and into bed. At 2 a.m. I got up for some reason, heard a big bang and found her on the den floor in a pool of blood and incoherent. From hip surgeries over the years and a bad back I couldn't get her up and she was taken to hospital by ambulance. She was 86, had parkinsons for 15 years, dementia and had had many strokes. Obviously I couldn't care for her alone 24/7 any more so after a month in hospital she went into a lovely nursing home.

Not long after she fell trying to hide a protein shake on top of the wardrobe so staff wouldn't know she didn't drink it, broke her hip and from that point on she was in a wheelchair, unable to stand alone though, due to the dementia, she often tried to get out of bed, ended up on the floor and was taken to the ER.

There comes a time when skilled nursing care is needed 24/7. No one person can do it alone. In the nursing home my mother was clean, fed and safe and the staff were wonderful.
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