
My mom recently (1 week) moved into an assisted living facility and was doing great Sat. and she told me she was doing her physical therapy.Well all of that changed today. I was there and my mom was yelling at the staff, refusing to do any physical therapy(she lied to me about doing her physical therapy), and when I asked her why she wasn't attempting to do any physical therapy, she told me that I was the problem and to leave her alone. I have 2 older brothers and never had any issue with my mom. Always either called or stopped by to see her. I am not sure who to contact because this is really hard for all of us. She doesn't want to be around any of the residents and will not leave her room. It is like she has given up on living all together.

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Carmeli, thanks so much for checking in and giving us an update; we learn from each other!
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Update on my mom. She was diagnosed with a UTI, a cyst filled with cancer(because of her age, the doctors will not treat this, my mom is 84), the doctors have also found a small mass on her lungs but was informed that this is very common if the patient has had pneumonia, bronchitis, or anything with a heavy cough. They will be doing a petscan to determine if it is also cancer. Right now she is very depressed and has been put on Zoloft which has helped. Thank you everyone for your input. I didn't know where to turn so all your answers are appreciated.
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Carmeli, give us an update on your Mom when you can. It would be interesting to see what are the answers.
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Ty all for your input regarding my mom and hopefully I can get answers
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Check for a U T I first!
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See the head nurse. Sometimes these outbursts are the result of little personality conflicts among residents. Sometimes all it takes is a chat to find out who or what she objects to. Other times, with cognitive decline, medication helps.
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As Suuny says, any sudden change in her mental status needs to be reported to her docs, and may be a uti.
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Unusual and aggressive behavior, argumentative, resistant to care, lying, etc. are often signs of cognitive decline. I would suspect the staff at the AL see this a lot. Of course, first I would have her checked by her primary. It could be a UTI, medication, infection, illness, etc. I'd rule out other things and then discuss with her doctor. Depending on the diagnosis and if it's dementia, you might explore medication that can help with anxiety and depression.

I wouldn't assume that she is lying to you, because she may not remember what she did and she doesn't know that she's lying. And because what they are experiencing is so strange and frightening, she may be too afraid to come out of her room. Dementia may cause you to retreat, because you don't want others to see how you are confused and not able to perform some tasks. I'd try to figure it out, first, so you know what you are dealing with.
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